The Seven Stages

Less than one minute read time.

1 Shock and Denial

       "what not me, have you got somebody else’s results"

2 Pain and Guilt

      "Why me, Why me, What have I done"

3 Anger


4 Bargaining

      "If I change my, Diet/ give up smoking/drinking/having a normal life......"

5 Depression and Sorrow

      "Why should I bother, its all pointless, I don't care, Nobody cares.

6 Acceptance

      "I'm Here"

7 Testing and Reconstruction

      “What do I do next, will I have diminished capacity, How long till I recover to a stable condition,      Will I be able to work again.”



  • FormerMember

    Hi Harlyquinn,


    thanks for your post.  Its a great shock and we are all on your side. Please do'nt be reluctant to talk to

    anyone online, Macmillan nurses or anyone about your needs. Share the anger, depression, and the love. People recover, carry on working, living a normal life and we are sure you will too.

    Please try to stay positive, its hard but  theres still so much for you to enjoy in life,  with all the support you can get.  Look after yourself and let people know how you are getting on. xxx