Venting the Spleen

  • Ernie Lump


    Many years, nay decades ago.

    When I was at school, We had an a history teacher who went by the nickname of Ernie Lump due to an extremely large growth on the back of his neck. He was feared by all the students and some of the teachers. As a homage to that teacher I have named the Lump on my Liver “Ernie”

    Hopefully like the original Ernie, the Lump will be removed and go on to live a full life,


  • The Seven Stages


    1 Shock and Denial

           "what not me, have you got somebody else’s results"

    2 Pain and Guilt

          "Why me, Why me, What have I done"

    3 Anger


    4 Bargaining

          "If I change my, Diet/ give up smoking/drinking/having a normal life......"

    5 Depression and Sorrow

          "Why should I bother, its all pointless, I don't care, Nobody cares…