Untitled until further notice (:

  • 6/7


    I've been not feeling too well lately, had scans come back though and have had 46% reduction since March. always good to know chemo is doing it's job, my husband and I are very happy with 46, now onto 50

  • Inside Ellen's Head..


    The other night, I phoned my mom. I wasn’t sure what I needed, you never outgrow wanting to hear your mother’s voice. We talked for a long while, and I told her how frustrated I was with postponing chemo and things not seeming to go according to plan. The next day I went on to find an email waiting from my mom. It had an enclosed video and a quick note – Praying with you… you know this already, here’s a refres…

  • 'The Plan'


    I'll  try and make this short and sweet...
    In regards to the trial we had been thinking of doing, there where some logistics issues in having the tissue released and we wouldn't find out for another 4 weeks. I may or may not qualify for that, but onc thought it would be in my best interest to not just wait it out. So in the meantime I'll be starting chemo, relatively soon, no date set yet. This will consist of…

  • Expect the unexpected, a lesson to learn...


    I've been recently waiting for results on qualifying for a trial. My husband and I where told last week we'd find out the results this week, so I was getting really anxious as the week went on. About 6 oclock I found my answer, and about 1,000 more questions..

    Around quarter after 5 the phone rang with Karmanos (clinic) on the ID... this alone gave me the butterfly-stomach feeling. I was told they were unable…

  • If you're one for praying..


    Wishing for prayers or luck or thoughts... whatever you believe. Signed off some papers to release my pathology slides from May to be sent for further testing... almost felt like signing for a house. These tests will determine wether my cancer cells over express themselves causing them to mutate. It will be about a week before we find out the results and the results will determine which trial we qualify for. if this is…