
1 minute read time.

My mum is 68, she was diagnosed with breast cancer 13 years ago. She had the lumpremoved and recieved chemo and radiation. She was then on Tamoifen for a number of years.

6 years ago she was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in the lungs and bones. She received chemo and radiation again and worked her way through the hormone cancer drugs until none of them worked any longer. This bought us to October 2010.

The cancer had got worse and she was in a lot of pain walking. By December she washaving radiation on her pelvic area. Come January they discovered she had it in her brain and liver too. Radiation was given for 5 consecutive days to her brain and she was but on Zometa every four weeks for her bones. Capecitaine (chemo) was given for 3 cycles.

Since March she has stopped walking at all and is now in a wheelchair. Independance has gone out of the window and she hates it. The brain modules have cause her to go blind in the one eye and that has really got her down. Having said thatshe is still going! Totaaly amazes me everyday.

Early April they found bloodclots in her rightleg so they put her on Tanzaparin injections everyday. Two days ago she had a CT scan and they found a fracture in her left hip. Surgery is too risky.

My dad I care for her,and it is soul destroying to see such a strong determined independant women going through this and all the indignity it carries along with it.

Dr's said last October prognosis maybe two months.......thats how strong she is. The end of March I took a 3month leave of abscence from work because she was declining and Dad needed help.

Idon't really discuss this with people around me as I don't want to be the friend who talks about cancer all the time and people to avoid me. So I guess I have come on here to speak with people who understand and are going through similar things themselves.

Its the uncertainty of everything that gets to me the most.







  • FormerMember

    Hi Chelton, welcome to the site, sorry you have to be here though.

    You will get loads of support and understanding on here, so please use the site as often as you need.

    Your mum sounds like a really strong character. I'm sorry she has had to put up with so much, but I hope she continues to prove the doctors wrong.

    Wishing your family all the very best.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine,

    Thank you for your post and kind wishes.

    Its good to talk with people that understand what your going through.

    Are you a carer?


  • FormerMember

    Hi Chelton, I have suffered breast cancer, diagnosed just over 7 years ago and have been doing well. Had last mammogram on 1st April, which was fine. Last clinic appt next year and, all being well I will be discharged.

    I also cared for my dad last year. He was diagnosed with bowel cancer in February. The cancer had spread too far for treatment and he passed away 8 weeks later. Still trying to get over it, to be honest.

    So, I have experience of cancer from both sides of the fence.

    Please let me know how things go with your mum.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Chelton, so sorry to learn of the horrendous illness your mother is dealing with.  Mine was diag. in 2007.  Obviously I'm still here but I wanted to let you know I really felt for your exasperation and sadness you are going through at the moment.  Welcome anyway to macland and, even if you just want to rant, do so on here and we will hear you.  We might even be able to come up with advice on how to cope.  Love your mum, love yourself, keep well and try to keep sane.  God bless, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Christine,

    Its good to hear your doing so well and with your appointment a year away that's always a good sign.

    Sorry to hear about your dad, it is so dificult to deal with for those of us left behind but at the same time a relief that they are no longer in pain.

    Stay well.

