Cancer goes whoosh click.....

1 minute read time.

Day 1 was not as i expected, did i think something would fall off, turn blue or run screaming down the corridor with its hair on fire? Yes I did actually. It was okay, he is okay, everything is okay.


My Husband has 3 main modes - Standard - kind, generous, charitable, loving, strong etc etc.

Angry - vengeful, spiteful, raging, savage and "the happy 5 year old". I was the happy 5 year old that I took to Chemo this week.

He appeared at the frontroom door with two laptop bags slung over his shoulder like school satchels and a Acer notebook in his hand. I bet under his trousers his socks were pulled up to an inch of their lives!

Once there he was as happy as a pig in mud as soon as his laptop was set up and connected to the internet. Millions of pounds worth of decisions being made to the sound of the Chemo machine going whoosh click, whoosh click.

Lunch was somewhat amusing - soup and a cheese roll, seriously bread!! He's not been able to eat bread for months. "can you go to the canteen for me please?" said the 5 year old, "1/2 a dozen sausages would be great" - I swear he's taking serious advantage of this "let him eat what he wants" thing.

The dog is a bit neglected and the roses need deadheading but so far so good for us, I think we being are lucky

As soon as he finishes his pint of Gold Top we are off to the hospital for several more hours of hanging around and general dullness.
