Trying to accept the new normal

  • Sad days

    Since the news of my mastectomy I've felt inexplicably sad. An almost emptiness. People have sad to me that it is okay to feel sad, but I worry that it will not pass. I keep waiting for it to pass. In many tough times of I have always got to a po...
  • Mastectomy

    Yesterday I was told I need a mastectomy and breast conserving surgery isn't an option. I feel really unprepared for this and inexplicably sad. Like everything else on this journey, does this sadness pass and be replaced by strength? Does anyone ...
  • First meeting since diagnosis

    Today is my first meeting with the surgeon since my diagnosis. I have mixed feelings. It is over 4 weeks since I was told I had breast cancer. I always thought that as soon as someone said you had cancer that things would move quickly.  I am hop...