
1 minute read time.

morning everyone. this is day4 since first chemo session and everything going well apart from i think i may be getting thrush in my mouth - i've never had this so if anyone can enlighten me please do. mouth feels a bit full and i'm getting white on my tongue and throat a bit sore. hell can't have that i love my karaoke and am due to go out on friday for an hour or so lolx that will be different as i'll be on soft drinks and i NEVER do that!!!! i will be the designated driver from hell - i am the "let's have one for the road" gal so to sit and wait will be a no no. lol. luckily i can enjoy myself without the need of a drink.  Talking of which - i do enjoy a drink (very much) but can't say i've missed it and again although i've lost weight thru this illness i think a lot is due to not drinking too. Anyway my pal Danette has just put her car into the garage for its mot so she is now driving my pride and joy - a beetle convertible called "betty". that's betty in my pic but if we can post other pics i will. i love her and even in cold wee dundee i have driven her around topless!!!! (without getting arrested).

weather in dundee today is crisp but sun is out and i've an urge to wash towels and sheets to hang outside and get the fresh air smell in the house. I hung washing out for the first time yesterday and forgot to put gloves on so fingers nipped a bit - i find that so bizare.

Hope everyone has a painfree day today.  love and peace  Tracey xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey

    Its great to see you have hung on to your sense of humour! Like Jen I'm hoping you meant the car was topless lol.

    I never suffered the thrush, just the coated mouth thing, so only ever used Difflam which was excellent. I have heard the Gelclair is great but might be an idea to find out definitely what it is so you're using the right thing for the job.

    Have fun with the karaoke

    Love and hugs

    Max xxx

  • FormerMember

    lol thanx max. believe me if it was me topless i would deffo have been arrested.

    love and hugs



  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey,

    Ive had thrush but not in the mouth. Was prescribed nystatin cream and cleared it up in no time.

    Hope you get a cure soon.

    Take care and be safe big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember


    I too had the thrush and the yukky mouth, i had gelclair and a mouthwash for the sore throat so do mention it next time you go as they can give you all sorts, its not nice i know but hang on in there.


    Sarah xxx