
1 minute read time.

good morning everyone. i'm new to this so hope i do ok. I'm tracey and i'm 48 and just found out i have bowel and liver cancer. i've just started a 6 session over 12 weeks chemo treatment mainly for my liver. came out hospital after 2 days treatment. have no pain or sickness but have to watch cold as fingers nip a bit lol. wondering what other folk's problems have been.

i live on my own now as i lost my partner nearly 4 years ago but i've been surrounded by wonderful friends who have come into my house and practically sterilised it for me!!! having a network of love is giving me strength to fight this and my first goal is to get to vegas for a week in october. another friend is getting married next august/september  so again that is a goal to aim for.

i would like to keep a blog going with my experiences and i want it to be upbeat and happy with lots of laughter so please dont be offended if i seem offhand at times - i mean no offence to anyone i just dont want to get morbid or down.

anyway. first blog done and i hope to hear from some of you in the near future. thanks for taking the time to read this.

love and strength



  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey,

    My dear mum has been battling her bowel cancer for 10 years now. She too had liver secondaries but this was a couple of years after her initial diagnosis. I am glad you are putting a possitive spin on it all and hope you succeed in your quest to see the bright side it will definately help. You don't say what drugs you are on? Symptoms vary according to which it is? I know mum had one lot stopped because it was causing nerve damage to her fingers it made her hyper-sensitive to the cold too. All I can say is Viva Las Vegas, you'll get there.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey,

    Welcome to the Macmillan Family. On this site you will meet a lot of friends,who will be only too glad to answer any questions you have. On here we shout,roar ,cry and laugh. no one will take offence.

    we will be happy to talk, and listen to what you have to say. As long as you know there will always be someone here for you if you need to chat.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey

    What a wonderful, upbeat attitude you seem to have right from the start! I like the idea of looking at the funny side of things, something I would like to try and adopt.

    I'm particularly interested in your story as I have just been told I have an inherited polyposis condition which puts me at high risk of colon cancer. I only know this because i presented with symptoms and a sigmoidoscopy revealed the extent of the problem. My biopsy results and full colonoscopy happen within the next couple of weeks. I contacted my mum and now she is going through tests as she has loads of polyps and is displaying symptoms. I am 46 and she is 69. I am waiting to be contacted by a lady in liverpool who specialises in testing for genetic conditions to find out which one we have.

    I just wondered what led to your diagnosis...did you experience symptoms? You are very young to have this disease, it must have been quite a shock!!

    I'd like to keep in touch and will follow your journey with great interest and hopefully support you through it. God bless, Sarah xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi tracey,

    A positive attitude always makes things easier, and laughter is the best medicine, so if you can put some of these things in your blog it will be followed with avid interest.  This is just the place to make yourself heard, and get information, so go for it.

    Good luck

    Love n hugs


  • FormerMember

    hi sarah believe it or not i went to the doctor thinking i had piles!!! lol (which actually i did) so it wasnt until christmastime when i caught a virus i went back to the doc. i was bleading slighty when passing stools so got a sigmoidoscopy and they found something. i then had a full scan and was waiting for results when i thought i had trapped wind two days later! doc sent me to hospital and they broke the news i had cancer on both sides of liver so chemo was only option but they were gobsmacked as i look and feel healthy and have not had any bother. my mum died december 2009 with the same thing but she was 80 and they operated on her bowel first. she kept retaining fluid and had to go into hospital few times to drain litres of fluid away. her liver i think just couldn't take the stress but she was a spiritualist and the hospice have said they loved being with her as there was an air of calmness in her room.

    anyway. let me know how you get on. glad to meet you all.