chemo finished - bizare meeting

2 minute read time.

i've not been on here for a while so lets give you an update....

finished chemo on 5th may. everything went well apart from the awful tiredness with the last two sessions. went to benejarafe in spain to my pals appartment for a long weekend - it was so peaceful (well as peaceful as it gets with 6 of us there!!) had a fantastic time and got colour even with my factor 30 and my hat on 24 hours a day. lol x

have been going into work for the occassional half day and enjoying it but sleeping most of the afternoon after it.

i got my appointment to see the prof on the 14th june. i got one of his assistants who asked the usual questions then had a prod all over. told me the liver wasn't swollen so the chemo had been working. She then asked IF I WANTED A SCAN!!!!! i couldn't believe what i heard. of course i want a bloody scan. i want to know how good the chemo worked and what has happened to the tumour in the bowel. she said some folk don't want one and because i look healthy and have not much pain i might not want one!!!! i looked healthy and had not too much pain when i went for the original scan that found the damn cancer and the doctors were gobsmacked.

i cannot understand this line they are taking. i was told the liver would flare up again at some point and probably have to go thru more chemo so why wouldn't they scan me to see how good/bad it is??

am i missing something? does this happen to everyone? i then asked if the tumour in the bowel would be removed( as i thought this was what they would do). i was then told if its shrunk and not doing too much damage they wouldn't put me thru a major operation. I'm only 49 for ***** sake i've still got a life and how do they know how its doing if they dont scan it????

sorry for the rant but i'm still angry and still not relieved that the liver has shrunk. i wont be convinced until i get the scan and then i can book my holiday to vegas.

anyone had this sort of treatment on the follow up meeting??

apart from that i am well although my hair is coming out and she put that down to stress!!! stress - i'll give them stress hahahaha.

i hope everyone else is as well as can be expected and i look forward to your comments.

love and big hugs

tracey xxxxx

  • Tracey I would actively pursue the scan and also a second opinion. I would be asking after the scan for the scans to be presented at their mdt meeting. Its standard practise.

    Everyone is different as you are aware. But you would in my opinion want to start establishing how effective certain chemos are for you and the scans allow this.  It helps plan future treatments.

    My mum has scans every 3 months following treatment and has a scan straight after each 6 cycles finish. And for some after chemo they may infact become a surgical candidate. Sometimes you just have to be very nicely assertive.

    I wish you well and enjoy your next holiday

    Kind regards


  • FormerMember

    I suspect (but have no evidence) that the cost of a scan can become a factor!

    I had a scan last August which found the secondaries on the liver after the colonoscopy found the bowel cancer.

    At the end of October, they did a right hemicolectomy to remove the bowel tumour. Followed by a planned series of chemo (12 sessions)starting in January. After the nonth I had my second scan and they told me that although the liver tumour was slghtly larger than in August,there were no signs of any further tumours and  they were giving me a holiday from chemo for the summer and to enjoy myself for that time.

    I have my next appointment in the second week of September. Wonder if they will do a scan to see shat has happened to the liver over the summer.

    Am I being cynical if I say that I feel costs do have a part to play in the differences in patient experience!


  • FormerMember

    hi tracey as you know i have liver mets and have just finished 6 lots of chemo after every 3rd one i have a scan just had mine today and get results from the onc on monday when i go to the clinic have had a bit of discomfort in my liver area so a bit worried about that hope its just the chemo still working away glad you had a nice weekend break hun take care love and hugs jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    thax guys. - mike i do now wonder if its the costs as my docs were good and up until now i couldn't fault anything but ..... I hope everything goes well in september. Jen - i still get tweeks of pain and have had a sore shoulder now for about a week. hopefully muscular and not because of liver. fingers crossed for your results.

    love always  tracey xxx

  • FormerMember

    You deserve the treatment and peace of mind you need.  Demand it if necessary.

    Good luck
