28 March - Help !!!

1 minute read time.

Can anyone tell me a good website or company that will give me travel insurance for bowel and liver cancer??

I'm hoping to go away in May for a long weekend to spain for a bit of relaxation at a pal's house but i'm finding it difficult to get any sort of insurance. This is a bit worrying as i'm also meant to be going to Vegas in October too!!. Some on-line companies appear to decline it cos i've two cancers and others it appears to be cos i'm on strong painkillers!!! Any help would be much appreciated.

Finished my 3rd Chemo lat Thursday and i'm now begining to feel the effects. Got woken up today with pain in arm from where needle was in and just feel "floppy" still look the same, have an appetite and want to do things but brain is screaming " slow down and help yourself"   i'm still driving all over the place in betty beetle but i'm also aware not to drive just after taking tablets ( after my friends commented on my driving ) hehehe

Still feeling very positive but the more chemo sessions come along a wee thought in the back of my mind says " is this working or not"" is the pain a good sign cos its working or because its spreading"

i promised myself i'd never get negative but ....... ach - i'm just having a bad day. i've loads to look forward too and a busy week ahead - although one of the things is to attend the funeral of a very dear friends dad who i've known all my life.

sorry this has not been my usual cheery blog - normality will reign soon.


All the best for everyone

love and big hugs



  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey, I have Mesothelioma and have been on a trial drug as well as strong painkillers, my wife, niece and myself have been using an insurance company called MIA online and they insured all of us for a very resonable price.We went to Portugal in July and Tennerife in September and I declared all of my cancer problems and medication.Just google them and you can get the telephone number to speak to a human being and explain your circumstances, hope this helps you     LOL John

  • FormerMember

    john - thanks for that.

    take care



  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey,

    I bet Johns reply cheered you up a  bit one thing less to worry about. You will be back to your cheery self soon. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    thanks sarsfield i'm sure i will. i'll phone them when dates are confirmed.




  • FormerMember


    I have heard great things about MIA too but yet to use them myself.

    Hope you feel brighter soon


    Max xxx