New fangled treatments & their cookie sales people

2 minute read time.

Something is bugging me and dragging my cheery disposition down tonight. 

I've been inboxed and trolled by well meaning born again treatment freaks , now for me I don't care if you choose to opt out of conventional treatments, like Bobby Brown sang it's my prerogative or rather yours, so then don;t judge or criticise me on my choice..

Aforementioned person called people that accepted chemo or radiotherapy stupid and must be out of your mind to receive these cancer increasing treatments !! Really ??? Guess I was just being polite when I didn't comment on your half baked idea to cure yourself and opt out of any treatment without actually saying this. 

They said - why would people poison themselves ? I said maybe for the same reason people refuse treatment...FEAR ...Fear will make people think if they don't do anything they might die, and others think if they have the treatments they won't work or make them worse and die I guess. I have nothing against alternative therapies and embrace holistic way of life but not as a main treatment plan, wishing, hoping, rubbing a cream in isn't gonna change anything and stop those asbo cells from dividing and making a new team running riot in your body.

Why is it people don't listen when you are polite ? I actually don't like being rude or offensive believe it or not - maybe I should have been and they would have stop filling my head with doubts and their brainwashing trash.

Except the real problem isn't the hawkers and inbox stalkers's the growing, nagging apprehension to how severe my treatment is going to be. It's not all these 'earlier stage needing less interventions and oh I'm so luckies '  that think they are helping by saying at least i didn't lose my breast, or my lymph nodes weren't affected or at least I didn't have to have chemo. Yet still say oh woe is meeeeeee ! And it's not my own indifference with anyone else's problems at the moment (which is out of character) that's the real problem that's a symptom.

The truth is I'm soooooo p***ed with Cancer tonight coming and gatecrashing my life !! I need to snap out of this and stop being a grouchy git tonight !!  Why am I so awkward and complex always, Fook u cancer for creeping deeper into my body and making yourself to comfortable 

Ok, that's my secret vent, close the door, happy face back on and shhhhhh no one needs to know my fears or my anxieties. It's my private moan, for no one else to see.....and maybe when that letter lands inviting me back to discuss it or the phone rings I'll feel a bit more incontrol again of my life and fears. Face your fears and do it anyway ....Kabunggaaaaaaaaaaa

Let's get lost in Olympic LA LA Land :)  


  • FormerMember

    Sneaking up behind you and giving you a huge huge hug ((((((((((((((xxx))))))))))))))))))))))

    As your twin, who is apparently stupid then (but alive;)  i get you. I have a lot of time for alternative therapies  and use quite a few myself but for some things and not exclusively and medicine does save lives and knows what it is doing sometimes. . I had people telling me to just take bicarbonate of soda. Eat turmeric, eat 2lbs of grapes a day.. go to Florida and eat Mangoes on a Tuesday.... OOOOOh, so that's all you have to do? Ok, I'll go and tell my Consultant he's wasting thousands of pounds on me with RT and chemo and ops when all he needs to do is send me to the fruit and veg counter for a couple of pounds of grapes...

    Now my dear, take a deep breath. And out. And another one.... and out.....

    F*** cancer. You stay positive and do your thing and it doesn't matter a jot what anyone else says or does. You are you. I know how it gets to you sometimes though. I had someone posting in my group once saying Oh my treatment was a breeze, barely noticed it, played golf all the way through etc. Well, how does that help anyone eh? Did you confuse cancer with a cold?

    sorry, having a wee rant myself there. haha.

    You will get there and you will do it with courage and laughter cos that's the way for my twin....

    I have just ordered a bracelet that says F*** cancer on the outside and embrace life on the inside.

    Here's to both....

    Biig hug and sneaks back out...

    LM xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    This is excellent on treatment evangelists

    Hope your treatment is less bad than you fear.  I know that things like nausea were much better controlled than I expected - I've had far worse from hangovers and food poisoning! - for example.  No-one can tell you it's going to be fun - and I'm really pissed off at all the time I lost to cancer and chemo - but I did find treatment much less bad than I'd feared.

  • FormerMember

    Well Sassy,I hope you found La La Land therapeutic; I certainly enjoyed it.

    We all get p***ed off with those well meaning people with their natural cures for cancer and the worst people are those that said if we'd eaten a ton of overcooked cabbage a week for the last 10 years we wouldn't have got it in the first place! (Gosh, isn't this a good subject for a rant)

    We're all different; I've reacted more badly to my treatment than many others, but I can live with that and my colleagues aren't pressurising me so that's OK.

    We all hope our treatment won't be as bad as you think, but if it is, we're here with the hugs and holding hands which we hope will help.

    As for alternative therapies, if you enjoy them do them as well I say, but unfortunately it's the poisons slashing and burnings that has the proven track record.

    Good luck with the treatment, and remember, you can do anything with us by your side.

    LM, you missed a trick there I would have gone for the mangoes on Tuesday in Florida, at least the weather's more reliable.

    Love and cwtches,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Good morning my lovely protectors in Macland, thank you for taking the time to answer the bat call and come to my rescue :) What would I do without you Odin & LM you are my online family !! Thank you ground -nice name for the blog :)  

    I woke by the sound of the mail dropping through the door and raced downstairs before the dog could eat the phantom NHS letter ...of course it wasn't there !!

    Waiting is such sweet sorrow - why ? Because it's turning me into this nutcase, I'll be stalking the postman soon. I jump when the post lands and when the phone rings. He said (The Head Booby Hunter ) 'I'll call u babe' ...ok, not the babe bit ....but it feels like that - waiting for someone to call you and arrange to see you and I've always been the person that isn't sat by the phone waiting !! He said I need 2 weeks to research further, that clock strikes 14 days on Tuesday ...I bet they phone me Monday pm after MDT.

    There is an obvious twist, I am in no rush really for the outcome of his research and for agreeing to the next phase of treatment and I know this. The MX and AX clearance sure I accepted that as was expected and successful treatment for my condition, the following chemo, rads, hormones yup ...all expected and can accept them too.

    The heavy weight that is driving me into this serial secret  blogger is the apprehension of what is to come , I confess to looking up research on Google last night !! I know , I know ...but I do need some understanding of what life without pectoral muscles would mean to me. OMG what is wrong with me !!

    I'm sure once I'm sat back in the room with Head Booby Hunter it won't seem so bad, but it is bad isn't it ? My whole mehhhh it's just a case of Breast Cancer so take off my breast, nuke and fry me isn't as simple as that is it ?? It had to be complex, no wonder they always look at me like I'm either not listening or mad when they disclose the information - does not compute.

    I'm thinking if they decide against re operating, will they MRI to assess the extent of muscle invasion is that possible ? Then will rads & chemo combi shrink this and stop it in it's tracks before it buries deeper ? Or is it a superficially spreading mofo that could travel to my adjacent side ? Do they even have this answer ? 

    I am so fearful of having radical surgery - honestly no uber optimism here I defy any other bugger not to be fearful too. Of course the positive is halting the cancer in it's track , but how much rehab and post op care will I need if you remove those has always been my life and I'm a therapist I need to be strong ..So here I sit to worry, while in the real world I smile and don't let those around me (except one or two) know how fearful this situation is. Distraction is the best option, shutting out the time to worry, but you can't fill 24 hours a day - altho I'm trying !! 

    Ok, enough...I'm annoying myself. Shakes self down and prepares for the real world and a real smile, the sun is attempting to shine, Beach Volleyball is on tv - wish I looked like them lol to create some natural endorphins :

  • Hi Sassy I cant really add much to what LM and Odin have saiid.I don't like mysteries never have I am one of those sados who before I buy a book I read the end first this is sacroligious but I've always wanted to know the end before the begining.Trouble is with cancer comes so much waiting so much what ifs and there have been people who have said oh things happen for a reason well PFS to that if I got cancer for a bloody reason then I guess I can only think the reason was to teach me patience which it isn't working.I think that many like you and me go sneakily onto google and scare ourselves s** tless it's really not a good idea but I think it's the needing to know.I am someone who likes to know then I know what I'm dealing with and then can get on with it but always there is that torture of waiting and not knowing so the mind gets all over the place and I guess we tend to go towards worse case senario the kind of if I think the worst and then hope for the best I'm prepared.I don't know of anyone who has not been scared the physical fight is tough enough the mental fight well that's another story.I hope you hear something soon and your dog like mine doesn't chew up the letters I'm a dab hand at jigsaws bet you are too having to piece together everything that comes through the door if he gets there first.I so wish you well much love huge hugs Cruton xxxx