New fangled treatments & their cookie sales people

2 minute read time.

Something is bugging me and dragging my cheery disposition down tonight. 

I've been inboxed and trolled by well meaning born again treatment freaks , now for me I don't care if you choose to opt out of conventional treatments, like Bobby Brown sang it's my prerogative or rather yours, so then don;t judge or criticise me on my choice..

Aforementioned person called people that accepted chemo or radiotherapy stupid and must be out of your mind to receive these cancer increasing treatments !! Really ??? Guess I was just being polite when I didn't comment on your half baked idea to cure yourself and opt out of any treatment without actually saying this. 

They said - why would people poison themselves ? I said maybe for the same reason people refuse treatment...FEAR ...Fear will make people think if they don't do anything they might die, and others think if they have the treatments they won't work or make them worse and die I guess. I have nothing against alternative therapies and embrace holistic way of life but not as a main treatment plan, wishing, hoping, rubbing a cream in isn't gonna change anything and stop those asbo cells from dividing and making a new team running riot in your body.

Why is it people don't listen when you are polite ? I actually don't like being rude or offensive believe it or not - maybe I should have been and they would have stop filling my head with doubts and their brainwashing trash.

Except the real problem isn't the hawkers and inbox stalkers's the growing, nagging apprehension to how severe my treatment is going to be. It's not all these 'earlier stage needing less interventions and oh I'm so luckies '  that think they are helping by saying at least i didn't lose my breast, or my lymph nodes weren't affected or at least I didn't have to have chemo. Yet still say oh woe is meeeeeee ! And it's not my own indifference with anyone else's problems at the moment (which is out of character) that's the real problem that's a symptom.

The truth is I'm soooooo p***ed with Cancer tonight coming and gatecrashing my life !! I need to snap out of this and stop being a grouchy git tonight !!  Why am I so awkward and complex always, Fook u cancer for creeping deeper into my body and making yourself to comfortable 

Ok, that's my secret vent, close the door, happy face back on and shhhhhh no one needs to know my fears or my anxieties. It's my private moan, for no one else to see.....and maybe when that letter lands inviting me back to discuss it or the phone rings I'll feel a bit more incontrol again of my life and fears. Face your fears and do it anyway ....Kabunggaaaaaaaaaaa

Let's get lost in Olympic LA LA Land :)  


  • FormerMember

    Sassy - I am so sorry you feel like this and I am worried I added to your stress as I did send you a private message about the treatment I had, I hope you did not experience me as one of the sales people as that was not my intention at all.  But if I did add to your stress then I apologise loudly here in public as it was not my intention at all.

    An MRI with contrast WOULD show up the extent of cancer nodes in your pectoral muscle but nothing can show up whether there will be possible spread in future, although an MRI would show you what is there now.  I too would be terrified in your shoes as I know how important fitness is to you and have personal experience of losing stomach muscle which caused huge problems in my back (not able to walk for weeks) and as your Head booby Hunter has taken his time to consider things I think it might be an indicator that he would be very open to you obtaining a second opinion elsehwere as oncologists do seem more positive about this than other doctors. 

    I send you a huge huge HUG......being surrounded by Olympic stuff must make it harder for you right now...xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Well my marmite sista from another mista, all i can say is here here to LM and her response!! 

    Fek em all, they aint dealing with it. Since i got diagnosed, all the born again do goodies have been sending the newspaper clippings telling me to eat tumeric pills and all these ridiculous 'could help cure cancer' random things. And remember the whole lets take you off to healing rooms and sing halleluyahs and cure you with god - just because you take one piteous look at me and talk to me with that ridiculous creek in your neck and bloody hideous tone, dont for one min think im halfway in a box and desperate to find a god and have someone pretend they can cure me (i watch too much derren brown and am a psychologist by nature - it wont wash) Come cry your tears and 'bless me' as you leave, cancer doesnt give you a right to shove religion down my throat - i remember before you were born again and fekin normal!!!

    I aint opposed to complimentary treatments alongside all the PROVEN TO DO DAMAGE drugs and radiowaves and pills and potions. Sure they are posions, but what do you call those cancerous feks having an orgy and taking over my body day by day? I think you will find i plan to blast them from every god damn angle and its gonna work, without your blessing me and forcing ridiculous recipies down my throat every visit - makes me wanna not open the door, your more depressing than the friggin cancer is!!!

    I live my life like a fighter, and ignore the thing until i deem it worthy of any attention. I dont wanna spend my days discussing it and how terrible it must be. I wanna be me, go out, live my life, let the drugs kick all the ass they can (cos they are) and LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Never let these people get you down, im sure you can hit a block button for all these people hitting up your inbox with their unwanted opinions! Everyones battle is personal, and a massive struggle as it is, you dont need them bringing you down. F**k those who think their personality is their boob too!!! TWATS!!! We are the superheroes of the piece, and i stand here, proud and tall next to my amazing friend, weapon in hand, ready to challenge anyone who says otherwise!!

    Rant over ;)

    Now go perv over some hot men boxing or the like, and enjoy la la land, cos it sure beats the 'do gooders' chat anyday!!

    Love ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

  • FormerMember

    Love ya too my sista from another mista - got nothin but love for ya ...that was a perfect rant !!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx