Are you in De Nial ???

3 minute read time.

Anyone fancy a trip to Eygpt ? Wait no you mean denial don't you ? Sorry bad jokes....

For the past 3 weeks I have been told by lots of well meaning people that I am taking my diagnosis a little too well ...Hmmm just what am I supposed to do ? Crying is something i find personally hard, it's a very private thing for me, and I'm not a person that wants a lot of fuss and attention.

I am I know by and large I am an extrordinary person who leans heavily into uber optismism, so being diagnosed with breast cancer you have two (probably more options) firstly you can sit in a dressing gown and cry ...(never my option but is ok if this is you ) or you can carry on being you . There you go. I am hungry for life, extremely driven and motivated and the human equivalent of a bouncy ball

I find it difficult at times that people struggle with my ability to cope and my reaction and clearly feel the need to justify myself. I feel disappointed that people would think I'm actually not coping and putting on a front to cover me real emotions ? That's like faking an orgasm ....not worth your while as you don't exactly benefit from it lol ..

Sure nobody in their right mind would say,' I fancy a career break , that will involve surgery and chemotherapy and challenge every part of my beliefs vs societies beliefs - oh and strip out real friends from hangers on ' But when you are presented with this diagnosis , my optismistic nature screamed - you've been given an opportunity to change !! You've been given a point to reflect on everything in your life and challenge what isn't making you happy or doesn't fit anymore.

I am absolutely blessed to have this discovered at a relatively early stage and I'm extremely blessed to live in a developed country where treatment is available and free.

Sure I have to face days where I'm not so strong, whilst now I can stand here with both breasts and say up yours I'll still be attractive with 1. Of course i know there will be days where that isn't the case and I will feel vulnerable, fragile and different. But excuse me ...f*ck what society thinks is beautiful in this world where everyone is so concerned about external beauty - my inner beauty is gonna burst through.

I am not my hair too - what does it matter - having no hair society imagines you are 'fighting cancer - thereby brave' or ' a victim / sufferer of a disease - thereby vulnerable' All this negative language and labels and other people's perceptions are more damaging than the disease itself.

So whilst not so close friends either struggle or marvel at my positive outlook, I'm carrying on being me....Cancer is not a death sentence, it's a challenge - I love a challenge. One thing for certain, lots of me will change throughout this journey and people in my life will come and go ...don't they always ??

So for all the people whispering that I am being to strong, in denial and am gonna fall with a bang - becareful what you wish for ...if I DO FALL , aren't you suppose to catch me ?? Oh, really you're not really gonna be there are you, actions speak louder than words , leave me to be happy whilst I am and don't judge me unless you have walked in my shoes ...Don't hate the hater, hate the game

  • FormerMember

    Hey Marina ,

    How dare you be happy when this person clearly needed to point out some misery to u !!! WOW !! I feel for you I think right now I'd happily decapitate that fool for his rudeness.

    I completely agree with you about you can't make someone love you and want to add to that - sorry warning uber optisim rising. You make room in life for better things. Life is like a relay race, we pass on the batons and someone else takes over, so your husband may have dropped the baton but be assured someone else will come and take over - this may not be another lover, or potential husband it may be a friend, companion , mentor whatever but someone always appears.

    I trust the universe (without sounding to weird here) to bring me what i need when I NEED it. For example a few years ago I was desperately in love with the wrong guy and we went through an unplanned pregnancy that resulted in a termination - this is very personal/public disclosure here wow - anyway I was absolutely devastated possibly this was the worse thing that could ever have happened or so I believed at the time - for sure now the strength I have gained from that trauma has given me more strength now & at the time of the greatest pain I met the most amazing people - some may not be still around now , they were for a season only - some were there to give me a message (like this ) a reason and others are the crazy lifetimers that are now going to be tested to the limits with this new challenge.

    So I raise my half full glass to yours and let's celebrate being alive and new opportunities. In every dark cloud , there is a silver lining and the cloud can rain on all those moody gits lol xx

  • FormerMember

    I say theres nothing else to do but your way! I have remained like that since my diagnosis (Sep 2010) through all treatment,surgery etc and now feeling touch low as its just hitting home.Stay positive its the best and only way. Keep it up and onwards and upwards Griff x