Are you in De Nial ???

3 minute read time.

Anyone fancy a trip to Eygpt ? Wait no you mean denial don't you ? Sorry bad jokes....

For the past 3 weeks I have been told by lots of well meaning people that I am taking my diagnosis a little too well ...Hmmm just what am I supposed to do ? Crying is something i find personally hard, it's a very private thing for me, and I'm not a person that wants a lot of fuss and attention.

I am I know by and large I am an extrordinary person who leans heavily into uber optismism, so being diagnosed with breast cancer you have two (probably more options) firstly you can sit in a dressing gown and cry ...(never my option but is ok if this is you ) or you can carry on being you . There you go. I am hungry for life, extremely driven and motivated and the human equivalent of a bouncy ball

I find it difficult at times that people struggle with my ability to cope and my reaction and clearly feel the need to justify myself. I feel disappointed that people would think I'm actually not coping and putting on a front to cover me real emotions ? That's like faking an orgasm ....not worth your while as you don't exactly benefit from it lol ..

Sure nobody in their right mind would say,' I fancy a career break , that will involve surgery and chemotherapy and challenge every part of my beliefs vs societies beliefs - oh and strip out real friends from hangers on ' But when you are presented with this diagnosis , my optismistic nature screamed - you've been given an opportunity to change !! You've been given a point to reflect on everything in your life and challenge what isn't making you happy or doesn't fit anymore.

I am absolutely blessed to have this discovered at a relatively early stage and I'm extremely blessed to live in a developed country where treatment is available and free.

Sure I have to face days where I'm not so strong, whilst now I can stand here with both breasts and say up yours I'll still be attractive with 1. Of course i know there will be days where that isn't the case and I will feel vulnerable, fragile and different. But excuse me ...f*ck what society thinks is beautiful in this world where everyone is so concerned about external beauty - my inner beauty is gonna burst through.

I am not my hair too - what does it matter - having no hair society imagines you are 'fighting cancer - thereby brave' or ' a victim / sufferer of a disease - thereby vulnerable' All this negative language and labels and other people's perceptions are more damaging than the disease itself.

So whilst not so close friends either struggle or marvel at my positive outlook, I'm carrying on being me....Cancer is not a death sentence, it's a challenge - I love a challenge. One thing for certain, lots of me will change throughout this journey and people in my life will come and go ...don't they always ??

So for all the people whispering that I am being to strong, in denial and am gonna fall with a bang - becareful what you wish for ...if I DO FALL , aren't you suppose to catch me ?? Oh, really you're not really gonna be there are you, actions speak louder than words , leave me to be happy whilst I am and don't judge me unless you have walked in my shoes ...Don't hate the hater, hate the game

  • FormerMember

    Hey Pam, Colin & Scraton !!

    thank you for your positive replies - sighhsss yeah there is more warped people out there !! : -)

    anger is sooo underestimated I mean it flows through your body so easily, all jests aside for one minute I do understand the darkside of anger though - so not gonna step into the Darth Vadar side at the moment. Use the force !!

    One of my friends (a real one) coined the phrase of zeroes to heroes and vice versa as knows only so well those you might expect to stick around won't and there will be others that surprise you.

    I'm kinda seeing this like the Grand National Race maybe 100 horses start and maybe 10 finish. The guy I've been dating for 9 months has dropped before the first fence ...seriously?? I see that as a positive if he can't be there now, what he do when my head is swivelling with chemo...hasta la vista baby - no I'll be backs here !

    Meeting with boss today, I'm going to face her with positive stories of cancer and hard facts of stats as the whole would u like counselling is peeing me off ? No I want to kick punch bags whilst I can and I can at the moment. That is far better for me now than, tell me how you feel ?? That's perfectly normal ....grrrrr

    Have a lovely day my new partners in crime - Little My already has the pvc outfit with cut out butt cheeks ;-p xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I read this Sassy and completely agree. I did all my crying after diagnosis but before treatment started as I’m not going to give Cancer anymore of my tears or energy but save them for the fight. I too decided at that time that whether I sit and cry at home or just get on with it and be myself wouldn’t necessarily affect the outcome but would affect people’s memory of me at this time (whether I make it or not). I want my children to remember back to this time and say yes Mummy was ill but you wouldn’t have known it she was strong.

    I like the two phrases "Quitters don't win and winners don't Quit" and "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about Learning to dance in the rain." I know more people who have survived cancer than unfortunately loss their battle so feel positive about it and hate it when others try to bring me down.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Kathryn :) I'm feeling what you are feeling, like your sentiments completely about your children :) i think more than anything it's about being and feeling authentic , if you believe you are strong and feel it no one should try and bring that down because they feel intimidated by it. Staying strong is our motto mum said It's a great life if you don't weaken : )

  • FormerMember

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  • FormerMember

    Hi Sassy, So funny how so called "friends" can say the most hurtful things, on the 2 year anniversary of my BMT (2 years is considerd a sucsess) i was happily walking to my Charity job at Oxfam, sun was shinning, i was 2 shops away, i saw my hair in a shop window and was thinking how good it looked now and how long it was, and curly. I was thinking wow im alive, and i dont look like someone who has had cancer for more than 10 years, been though more horrible treatments than i care to remember. 3 months previous, My husband of 7 years, decided he cant cope with the stress of living with a wife with cancer and has decided to leave. He has been gone for 3 months now, probably will never return. I feel pretty devistated, BUT and its a big but, he does not want to be with me, i cant make him. I have to live with that. He was a wonderful support in every way possible when i was ill, so i dont really have anything bad to say about him for that, hes just had it, and thats it. So i was optimisticly walking to work thinking how lucky i was to be alive not withstanding the breakdown of my marrige, and this outspoken husband of one my best friends stops me in the highstreet an says, "how are you Marina". i said im fine thank you, just on my way to Oxfam, lovely day isnt it. He says "your not alright, how can you say that, your stupid, the wife told me about your husband leaving you, you should not be smilling, you should be begging him to come back, how can you walk around like nothings wrong." I was so upset, no one needed to tell me it was sad, i have had to come to terms with it myself. You cant make someone love you if they dont. Im sooooooooo lucky to be alive, and i must be gratful for that, my consultant told me that my treatment has cost the NHS way more than £300,000 so far, so if i need a headf*ck, ive got one ready made. My cup is always half full, and thats the way i like it. Marina. X