Good news..

Less than one minute read time.
...there's nothing wrong! The relief is tremendous. Can't thank you enough Little My for putting up with me this past week. I am really very grateful and won't forget your kind words. Now, leaving on a slightly funny note: was being ultra-sounded on my left uppy downy when the consultant said 'yep, that looks perfectly fine but can I just take a peak at the right uppy downy cos I'm a little concerned about this tiny bit here'..well, I burst out laughing cos I thought...that's so ironic..I've been worrying all week about the wrong boob! I was snorting with laughter..looked pretty deranged probably all the way out of the room. Anyway..nothing wrong nothing nothing wrong...went to M&S and bought a caterpillar cake then went home for a nap. Slept all day. Thank you so much again. What great peeps you are on here. Thank you xx
  • FormerMember

    Wow! I can feel your anxiety lift, that is just the best news and what a bonus to have them both checked.

    I would have laughed like you too, always in trouble for laughing when perhaps I shouldn't but you know what they say about it producing the endorphines to help you cope with stress.

    What better way to celebrate than with a yummy chocolate cake, hope you enjoyed that before catching up on lost sleep.

    Take care, TLC as they say

  • FormerMember


    Fab news. And caterpillar cake too :)

    So so happy for you. Just brill. See? worrying wastes good time. Use your time well and enjoy your life, every little bit of it and don't forget to do those fun things.

    Going to sleep grinning :)

    Big hug Little my xxx

  • FormerMember
    Thank you always17 (I have that t.shirt!) and 'will do' Little My. My news is tempered by not taking you all with me but I will pop in to see how you are and to scream encouragement...and to fill you in on the latest Annabel-disasters to bring good cheer. Sending you love, best wishes and endless thanks (beginning to sound like a Christmas card now...) xxx