Cramming and anxiety do not mix..

1 minute read time.
Saturday: So, I'm supposed to be cramming for my new SLT placement on Monday: CN nerves, the brain, motor neuron disorders and the upshot is: I can't concentrate. My eyes point in the right direction but will they move from left to right? NO. So, I did time chasing dust balls around the house with a Hoover that seems to be on strike, emptied the washing machine drain-thang (it was shouting E240..whatever that means) cut down the wisteria (a good name for my Blog but was already taken) and got stuck on my flat roof. Close your eyes and imagine: two teens shouting at their mum 'you can do it/if you can't do it, why did you' and 'watch me: see - it's easy. Now COME DOWN! There was absolutely no way I could swish my legs over the parapet and on to the ladder... it just didn't make sense that I wouldn't just fall off. Eventually they called my ex to rescue me (and we aren't even on speaking terms). Reminder to ones self: just because you've done it before it doesn't mean you can do it again! Wine O'Clock time came so spent some time on the Apple app store and found 'The Brain' for 3d! Crazy! Now just have to find a nifty app for CNS. Sunday: Kids went off with their dad this morning and I feel miz and redundant - redundant in the sense that I've done all my joblets around the house and I don't want to attack the fridge or oven (I'm just not in the mood). Everything is gleaming and spotless (a first in a long while), washing is done... still can't concentrate. What to do! This 'keep yourself busy' isn't working: flat's too small. I could, I suppose, knock on my neighbours door and swish through hers..wouldn't that be funny! Bring it on placement: I need to be mentally challenged for the next 7 days. Make me so busy that I can't stop to wonder during the day and I can sleep at night. Make these nerves of steel and not jelly.
  • FormerMember
    Little My...what a wretchedly self indulgent weekend I had! Between fretting, twig picking, gym a-going, roof sagas and hunting for matching shoes, etc., it didn't even dawn on me to read your blogs! I should have. I didn't even ask! I was truly me, me, me...awful awfulness. Your selflessness is inspiring..thank you a trillion, I mean it from my soul. ...Now, I know I will probably get another pep-ME-up (as in me: Annabel) so just stop there: we will both promise to make the most of whatever is flung at us from great heights because that's what we do as mothers. We are master jugglers and make-doers. And we will smile and continue to have terrible sense of humours, and probably occasional mammoth loss of SoH moments (talking about me here...when i throw my toys out of my cot) but then, and this is an important quality, we resurface for another round. Enjoy your wonderful break away, live it up to the fullest in the swankiest hotels around, drink copiously from the best vintages, take multiple dips in your posh pool (the only way to gym it in my mind), and blow raspberries at gym bunnies. I will partake of my favourite past-times: drinking starbucks, eating Green & Black and watching Vampire Diaries between earnest studious (new word) moments. Annabel x p.s. My week is über busy busy so I'm very very distracted and happy. Five days to go..eek. Anyway: My placement's in a neurological rehabilitation centre for dream position...(I'm a kid in Woolworth's pick n' mix). Fell into speech and language therapy after supported children with SEN in a primary school for eleven years: hated the school politics/loved working with children: don't know how you cope! Cyber medal winging it your way!
  • FormerMember

    Hoorah for self indulgent weekends :) Don't you dare apologise - I didn't ask you to go reading stuff about me did I? And usually its all good in Little My land. I was actually thinking of pootling off in my own little cancer free world while it is, but they asked me to stay on and help, so I do...

    Don't remember telling you lot about the swanky hotel, but I will enjoy it - I'm off tomorrow and I intend to have 3 cancer and sadness free days. Just fun and laughter and shopping haha and swims in the hotel posh pool and I shall eat my money's worth at breakfast hehe

    I am currently addictted to Green and Blacks milk chocolate with salt flakes in it. I ate two whole bars in one week. eeek.

    Glad you are enjoying your placement and gald you are managing to distract yourself . May the next 5 days go quickly and with at least a laugh a day...

    Little My xxx