Round 2

1 minute read time.

Been a good 12 months or so. Celebrated my first year of being back full time at work - after being out for all of '09 - last week. Been charging around flat out and am loving it.

Had to request to pull ahead my latest check up at Papworth due to some nagging discomfort over Christmas though ... and suffice to say the lurgy is no longer lurking in the shadows. Not the main nasty this time - but his little friend is up and running - so looks like it is play time again ... Just a little poke in the ribs so far, but hey, can't be ignored so time to do some serious cancer bashing again.

Good thing about thymoma is that it acts slow ... it caught me out before but this time there should be plenty of time to call on some serious fire-power.  First weapon of choice this time is an octreotide / scan combo., courtesy of those great people at Addenbrookes, to see if there is a non-chemo way of handling this relapse. Hope there is, because much as I love cisplatin I think I have had my fill of it .... 

That will be next week's delight .... 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Richard,

    Glad to hear your doing well,All the best for next week. All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Richard

    Really pleased for you.  I would like to share a little secret with you: Addenbrookes food court: rather expensive and crouded.  But the Costa in the main area (opposite the Body Shop) has some really yummy sandwitches.  Mind you, their hot chockolate (drink) provided me with  much needed uplift after radiotherapy!  Cancer is a terrible disease but nobody stoped me enjoying whatever I could during treatment!

    All the very best