March 2011 Update

1 minute read time.

Yesterday's Oncology appointment to discuss results of CT scan taken 4 weeks ago went as follows:

The 25 metastasized tumours in Hubby's lungs are growing, and are now infecting several lymph nodes. Everything looks "a bit" more aggressive than before.

Hubby STILL has to decide if he's ready to start Palliative Chemo. He's been taking Tibetan medicine for the past 2 years, which had slowed the growth and spread of these tumours but these tumour growths are now speeding up, and going to the lymph. (Tibetan Medicine does not claim to have a cure for cancer).

So Now, Hubby is thinking about the possibility of considering the option of weighing the variables of pondering the choice of starting Palliative Chemo. 

The Oncologist said that while Hubby is thinking about all this, IF his health suddenly takes a downturn, that I am to rush him to hospital.

It's been over 2 years since Hubby's bowel cancer recurred in his lungs. Since then, he has had a CT scan every 3 months, with a follow-up appointment with the Oncologist 4 weeks after, and each time, he gets the same diagnosis / prognosis. It has been like walking on the edge of a razor blade.

Hubby's coughing is becoming a bit more persistent and his energy level seems to be decreasing very slowly.

Hubby never thought the day would come when he would have to choose between Western Medicine, and Tibetan Medicine, as he always thought that Tibetan Medicine would cure him. Needless to say, he is disappointed. He is now thinking that if he prays harder, or cloisters himself in meditation, the cancer will disappear. I can only be supportive.

We are in the middle of Year 5 since the original diagnosis of T3N2 Rectal Cancer. Originally, he had surgery, chemo, chemo with radiation, more chemo, and more surgery. He was "NED".

Then he tried Naturopathy - (it didn't work - even made it worse - as 19 new tumours appeared in his lungs during this treatment); Chinese Medicine - (it didn't work, and was VERY Expensive); and then Tibetan Medicine - (for the past 2 years - which had slowed the growth and spread of the mets in the lungs - for a while).

Sigh - This is so frustrating!!! 

Big Big Hugs to all of you who are going through this and are affected by it.

Love, Maureen

  • FormerMember

    Mo, I hope the tibetan meds continue to halt the growth and that L comes to the right decision, whatever that may be! Always thinking of you, take care x x x x x x x x x x x  

  • FormerMember

    Dear Maureen, I read your blog with great empathy as my husband is at a similar stage with his lung (and pelvic) mets after rectal cancer, same stage, about 4 years ago.   6 months ago he was told he had 'months to live',  Just had another scan, nothing growing very much, told to come back for another scan in 6 months (why? - they are offering him no treatment at all).  They said chemo MIGHT extend life for a short while, or might actually make things worse.  He didn't want more chemo anyway.   don't blame him.    The fact that your hubby has lived 2 years is pretty good actually, as this is longer than usual (statistics!!) & I understand how disappointed he must be after trying so hard for so long.     I am sending you  my best wishes.  I know how difficult all this is, believe me.

    love,  susieg

  • FormerMember

    Dear Mo

    Not very good with words so just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you with love and hugs.  Jacqui xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Mo,

    Just to say I too am thinking of you and your hubby.

    Love and hugs, Rose x x x ((((((((hugs)))))))))) x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maureen,

    I can only wish you both all the best in what ever way your husband chooses to go. You will be in my thoughts.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx