March 2011 Update

1 minute read time.

Yesterday's Oncology appointment to discuss results of CT scan taken 4 weeks ago went as follows:

The 25 metastasized tumours in Hubby's lungs are growing, and are now infecting several lymph nodes. Everything looks "a bit" more aggressive than before.

Hubby STILL has to decide if he's ready to start Palliative Chemo. He's been taking Tibetan medicine for the past 2 years, which had slowed the growth and spread of these tumours but these tumour growths are now speeding up, and going to the lymph. (Tibetan Medicine does not claim to have a cure for cancer).

So Now, Hubby is thinking about the possibility of considering the option of weighing the variables of pondering the choice of starting Palliative Chemo. 

The Oncologist said that while Hubby is thinking about all this, IF his health suddenly takes a downturn, that I am to rush him to hospital.

It's been over 2 years since Hubby's bowel cancer recurred in his lungs. Since then, he has had a CT scan every 3 months, with a follow-up appointment with the Oncologist 4 weeks after, and each time, he gets the same diagnosis / prognosis. It has been like walking on the edge of a razor blade.

Hubby's coughing is becoming a bit more persistent and his energy level seems to be decreasing very slowly.

Hubby never thought the day would come when he would have to choose between Western Medicine, and Tibetan Medicine, as he always thought that Tibetan Medicine would cure him. Needless to say, he is disappointed. He is now thinking that if he prays harder, or cloisters himself in meditation, the cancer will disappear. I can only be supportive.

We are in the middle of Year 5 since the original diagnosis of T3N2 Rectal Cancer. Originally, he had surgery, chemo, chemo with radiation, more chemo, and more surgery. He was "NED".

Then he tried Naturopathy - (it didn't work - even made it worse - as 19 new tumours appeared in his lungs during this treatment); Chinese Medicine - (it didn't work, and was VERY Expensive); and then Tibetan Medicine - (for the past 2 years - which had slowed the growth and spread of the mets in the lungs - for a while).

Sigh - This is so frustrating!!! 

Big Big Hugs to all of you who are going through this and are affected by it.

Love, Maureen

  • FormerMember

    @ Bren26 - Thanks for your reply - I hope to see you in Ottawa this summer  :) Big Hugs to you and Max!!!

    @ John - I guess that's why it's called the Art of Medicine instead of the Science of Medicine. My brother has prostate cancer (and his wife, who is blind, has endometrial cancer - but that's another story). My brother was offered surgery, followed by 5 weeks of daily radiation. His Gleason number is 8. His PSA slowly went down to .2, and is now slowly increasing. He has been offered no other treatment.

    A good friend of ours, with prostate cancer, (also Canadian), as given the very same treatment as my brother, with the same results, but he was then given a drug called "Superfact". I have not researched this drug, but our friend's PSA went down to zero, and has stayed there for over 6 years now. Have you ever heard of this drug - Superfact???

    @ The other Mrs R ... It's SO wonderful to hear from you!!! I hope you are well.

    @ Jess - Yes we are very pleased with the results of the Tibetan Medicine, although there is a huge unknown, and the cancer continues to grow and spread - but more slowly, it seems.

    There Are a Couple of Miracles that coincide with all this:

    1 - None of the 25 mets in L's lungs are blocking any airways. If they did, we'd be in a different situation.

    2 - The mets never recurred in his liver after his surgery.

    3 - The Western Oncologist has accepted that L is taking this "alternative" treatment, and is willing to wait until L decides that he's ready to be treated with palliative chemo (and Yes, Grace, I don't like that word either). As a matter of fact, during L's last appointment with the Oncologist, L was seen by the Oncologist's student, who happened to be a Chinese student studying in Canada ... We think that over the last 5 years, L's Onc has become more flexible, open and interested in how this will play out. This is good, because ours is a teaching hospital, and L's Onc is the head of Oncology at this hospital.

    Jess - Best wishes with your application, and if you do come to NY, Please get in touch - We're only about a one day drive away!!!

    Finally - I do marvel at how connected we in the Cancer World have become. Someone on this site had suggested asking for a K-RAS test for L... I did ask the Onc for this test, and the Onc replied that they don't give the K-RAS test here until the initial palliative chemos fail. I will start the fight for that K-RAS test only when L is ready to accept chemo - but without this site, I would not have known to ask for the test. That's what I mean about this connection and the sharing of information.

    This site has also given me so much support!!! I like to say that the People here have "virtually" saved my life - Pun Intended!!!

    Love & Hugs to you all!!!!!!!!!

    Maureen (aka - Mo)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maureen,

    I have just read your post, I have bowei cancer that has spread to the lungs, onc has waited 3mths before starting pallitive chemo, I go wed 13th to get ct scan results, and see where ai go from there.I was interested in the Tibetin med your husband had cowld you tell me a bit about it.

    Good luck to your dear husband I will be thinking of you.

    Love Pam xxx