
  • *taps* is this thing on?!?! Oh HAI!


    Yes. I'm a bit rubbish. Yes I'm a bit crap. I've been away for far too long. And for that i apologise. I will gracefully accept being whacked about the head with a pillow and stuffed into a tub full of baked beans.


    It's been a year folks. A whole year. And in that time I have lost myself, met myself coming back the other way, fallen over my own spirit as its been dragging its arse along behind me. I've…

  • Buckle up boyo, I'm a bit mad...


    Ah, Hello Mr Anger. Please do come in. We've been expecting you. Come on Come on. Don't be shy. Grief arrived weeks ago, and destitute has been with us since last weekend. We've been waiting on you and Abandonment, and he showed up last night.

    Yes. I'm angry. I'm pissed off, sore and tired. But mostly angry. I feel like my Dad sodded off and left me to this world. To a place where my foundations are…

  • Death.... its a funny old game


    Death. Its one of those things that's really final. No more to pass go, collect £200. No Do Over's. No come backs, no final countdown. Its pretty much MORE the end, than finding you've got to the bottom of a packet of Cadbury's clusters. And the emotional fall out is pretty heavy as well. (The death not the clusters)

    And this is where I find myself sitting. A week on from the passing of my…

  • The Visit.....


    He sits. He pauses. His eyes caught by something.
    He sits, he pauses. He says ‘Hello!’ And his face lights up with recognition.
    ‘Hello You’ I say. ‘Hello Dad.
    And I’m staring into a face that is oh so familiar, yet there is a stranger lurking behind those eyes. My dad is currently in hospital, awaiting a hospice bed. He is dying. And the brain Cancer has finally done a number…

  • The slippery slope...



    Well. It’s started. The slope downwards. Dad is now in hospital after his legs gave out on Saturday. Swiftly followed by the rest of his body from the neck down. Mum couldn't wake him up on Saturday, and called me in a panic. So I suggested whacking him round the head with a pillow. (Can't do any more damage than the tumours..... I said) 
    • I can't do THAT 
    • Yeah you can. It’s either that or a…