0350, 25th November 2022

1 minute read time.

Morning all, 

It's 0350, I got up with hubby as he's off to work in a bit. I'm having a moment. I've sat here before wanting type, ask questions & generally say these ars*ng poxy scary-ish words out loud without sounding like a self pitying moobag. 

I've gone through a process since May this year of blood tests that have thrown up a condition called Polycythemia. I spoke to the hematology consultant at the beginning of October, few more in depth tests & bloods done at the hospital to determine whether it is secondary or aquired. One is somewhat self correcting, although will be monitored, one will require treatment. Gene tests take such s long time!! It's still not back yet. Everything else is back, I know there was trans ferrin saturation & bone chemistry on the last form, along with a couple of bits I couldn't read & even the blood test lady had trouble with it. I've had a CT scan, can't remember why I needed that, which has found multicystic lumps on my left ovary. So now I've been refered to Gyne as well. I had a call Wednesday afternoon to go for an MRI this coming Tuesday. 

Now I'm scared, emotional, my rational head is telling me not to panic, that 'we' don't know for sure yet and the emotional bit is quietly having a nervous breakdown. I have an appointment with the hematology consultant again on 19th Dec, although the letter says she will call me sooner if needs be. Now every time the phone rings I flap. It's not insurmountable, it is treatable ... I am frightened xx 

  • Hi Sparkly, I'm so sorry you're going through such a hard time. Everyone says the waiting is the hardest thing, and the most worrying. I hope you can get through it. I don't know if it would help, but maybe call the Macmillan help line. They are so, so good at just listening, offering advice if they can, and just emotional support in bucketloads. And you can just sound off here any time. Sometimes writing your feelings down really helps to get it off your chest/mind. Sending hugs your way and hope you'll keep us posted. Take care xx

  • Thank you lovely xx Still waiting for some blood test results, should be today sometime x