There is comfort in fruit jellies and sparkling water

  • Updates...

    There was no fruit jellies in the shop after I saw the consultant. That was a couple of weeks back already! I'm on the list for a total hysterectomy with salpingo-oophromrectomy... might have spelled that wrong Perineal washing & biopsies, ...
  • 5 day event monitor

    I had a 5 day event recorder fitted today. Tis a bit weird where it's sitting, clashes with my seat belt. It's very clever got poppers on the pads so you take the machine off to have a shower. Now t navigate the works Christmas party outfit t...
  • Telling the family

    Last night I ventured into telling my girls, both adults & my Mum. One by phone as they live a fair way away from us,one face to face...both at the same time. And my Mum I walked down to see a bit later. It's still odd to say out loud, now I&...
  • Todays MRI scan

    Mri scan There is comfort in sparkling water & fruit jellies after nearly an hour in the scanner. Lots of noise interjected with Pink Floyd... We don't need no education & Wish you were here on loop. Ear phones & ear plugs are a weird...
  • 0350, 25th November 2022

    Morning all,  It's 0350, I got up with hubby as he's off to work in a bit. I'm having a moment. I've sat here before wanting type, ask questions & generally say these ars*ng poxy scary-ish words out loud without sounding like...