The Uncomfortable Truth of being a woman

  • This blog is titled…”Your cervix looks very nice” Or.. “The story of a million and one things I never expected my mother to say”.


    I start this blog with a quote and I will end with one from the same song.
    When you mix music and lyrics sometime the meaning gets lost in translation.
    The song I am quoting from is very fast paced but full of amazing words that you might have missed.

    “Don’t damn me when I speak a piece of mind, cos silence isn’t golden when I’m holding it inside.
    I’ve been where I have been and I’ve seen what I…

  • My flagrant use of the ‘C’ word and the ponderings of life after diagnosis.


    This morning on the news it has been revealed that Angelina Jolie has had a double
    mastectomy due to an 80% chance of her developing breast cancer.
    If you know me well enough you will remember how much I idolised this lady over the years.
    Not for her choice of partner or sex, drugs and rock and roll lifestyle but because she seems
    fearless. Devastatingly beautiful, intelligent, confident, with a heart of gold and a yearning…

  • The smear test that saved my life (although I didn't know it at the time of writing this)


    If it was actually possible to make a woman MORE self conscious about one particular part of her anatomy, its when approximately every 4 years you get the familiar call from the doctors..”Miss Regan, its time for your smear test” 
    SMEAR!! Even the word conjures up horrific images and that’s before you even understand what’s actually involved. I mean come on people, change the name at least. Men get the proctology…