
Less than one minute read time.

Well I managed two whole days of approximately normal life.  Then I got home from work today to find my oncology appointment is this Thursday at 9am.  I hope work are ok with the short notice.

I don't  know why it feels like such a bad thing.  I knew it was coming, I didn't want to wait any longer than necessary, but it feels like my little bit of normal is being snatched away too soon.

I'm not entirely sure how the radiotherapy thing works, whether I'll actually start treatment on Thursday or if this is just a planning meeting and then I get to wait some more, I guess I'll find out soon.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Snap I have my scan on Thursday afternoon, So all the best to both of us.  The Radiotherapy isnt too bad I had

    36 blasts of it. The worse side effects is the longer it goes on the more tired you get,and make sure you put stacks of the cream they will give you on as often as you can.

    All the best for Thurs and Good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    I hope work were understanding, but sure they must appreciate the need for your treatment to progress to this next stage.  All the best for tomorrow's appointment, will be thinking of you.

    Sian x