Hotel NHS revisited

3 minute read time.

Hello fellow Macademia Nuts. What a weekend! having had op on Monday and being sent home on Tuesday with - 'everything is fine you will be a new woman' after this etc. etc. I had a few days of getting over the op - but on Thursday - silly me slipped and fell in shower resulting in lovely purple colourings on side and arm and a little jolt to tummy - which is rather tender to say the least.

Seems to be Ok - I thought a little sore but hey back to work on Monday for me as it only takes a few days to recover from this particular lady op.

Oh dear - not to be. Saturday - decided that i could do a bit more. Tummy feels a little bloated and colicky - trapped wind thinks DB - general anaesthetic can do that - plus to do what they did I had to be blown up like a balloon - images of DB floating around theatre. So we go out to see friends - DB feels decidedly uncomfortable but she is woman and hey hear me roar - ouch.

Sunday - hmm no shifting this pain and I look about 4-5 months pregnant which is not funny - I am a balloon!!! So rang NHS direct who tell me to contact Out of hours GP service who tell me that I need to be checked as I have had surgery. This was not what I expected - I thought I would be told - don't be silly you are full of wind.

So hubby and me trot off the A & E - it's a Sunday they won't be too busy - big mistake!!

After initial assessment - you need to be seen by Dr - we waited 3 hours - pain increasing by the minute - ever sat on those chairs in A&E waiting rooms? 6.20 arrived - 9.30 seen by another nurse - who said 'would it surprise you to know you have a urine infection?' how is the pain on 1-10. I say about a '7' he says' You look like it is a 10' - I have given birth I say lol. 'You need to go to Gynae assessment unit now' as could be complications - off you go.

Arrive at GAU 9.45 - had to be pushed by hubby in wheelchair woohoo - there are two people before me. Not looking good. Eventually Dr arrives at 11.30 - sees first lady then second lady. We get seen at 1.00am. Nice young junior dr - concerned about complications and infection - you need to be admitted.

Hubby gets sent home I get taken in for tests at 2.00am. Blood tests - other rather personal investigations which are not nice at best of times but even worse when in pain - score on 1-10 - I'd say a 10 at times - nearly kicked him. No beds so I am in side room. Get to sleep to be woken for x ray at 4.15 - wheeled across the hospital for x rays then back to bed. Woken regularly for monitoring - you look pale - hmm wonder why.

Get onto the ward eventually - I have a bed woohoo. Consultant - says we think you have infection IV antibiotics for you. Also need a scan - so off I go. Scan shows lots of blood clots which are causing the abdominal pain and bloating - this is apparently common after my surgery. So just have to wait for them to go and take the tablets.

Another night in Hotel NHS - actually amazing as it was very quiet. Met some lovely ladies on the ward and actually it was not too bad a visit.

Discharged today with a vat full of medication. Antibiotics, painkillers etc. Tummy still bloated - will be glad when it goes down a bit. So work will have to wait.

Bunnies are not happy as no one has cleaned them out - a rather cross Stanley thumped foot when I arrived home - water bottle was empty - I suspect he is feeling rather neglected by mummy. 

Right I need lie down and meds have arrived xx

