Hotel NHS revisited

3 minute read time.

Hello fellow Macademia Nuts. What a weekend! having had op on Monday and being sent home on Tuesday with - 'everything is fine you will be a new woman' after this etc. etc. I had a few days of getting over the op - but on Thursday - silly me slipped and fell in shower resulting in lovely purple colourings on side and arm and a little jolt to tummy - which is rather tender to say the least.

Seems to be Ok - I thought a little sore but hey back to work on Monday for me as it only takes a few days to recover from this particular lady op.

Oh dear - not to be. Saturday - decided that i could do a bit more. Tummy feels a little bloated and colicky - trapped wind thinks DB - general anaesthetic can do that - plus to do what they did I had to be blown up like a balloon - images of DB floating around theatre. So we go out to see friends - DB feels decidedly uncomfortable but she is woman and hey hear me roar - ouch.

Sunday - hmm no shifting this pain and I look about 4-5 months pregnant which is not funny - I am a balloon!!! So rang NHS direct who tell me to contact Out of hours GP service who tell me that I need to be checked as I have had surgery. This was not what I expected - I thought I would be told - don't be silly you are full of wind.

So hubby and me trot off the A & E - it's a Sunday they won't be too busy - big mistake!!

After initial assessment - you need to be seen by Dr - we waited 3 hours - pain increasing by the minute - ever sat on those chairs in A&E waiting rooms? 6.20 arrived - 9.30 seen by another nurse - who said 'would it surprise you to know you have a urine infection?' how is the pain on 1-10. I say about a '7' he says' You look like it is a 10' - I have given birth I say lol. 'You need to go to Gynae assessment unit now' as could be complications - off you go.

Arrive at GAU 9.45 - had to be pushed by hubby in wheelchair woohoo - there are two people before me. Not looking good. Eventually Dr arrives at 11.30 - sees first lady then second lady. We get seen at 1.00am. Nice young junior dr - concerned about complications and infection - you need to be admitted.

Hubby gets sent home I get taken in for tests at 2.00am. Blood tests - other rather personal investigations which are not nice at best of times but even worse when in pain - score on 1-10 - I'd say a 10 at times - nearly kicked him. No beds so I am in side room. Get to sleep to be woken for x ray at 4.15 - wheeled across the hospital for x rays then back to bed. Woken regularly for monitoring - you look pale - hmm wonder why.

Get onto the ward eventually - I have a bed woohoo. Consultant - says we think you have infection IV antibiotics for you. Also need a scan - so off I go. Scan shows lots of blood clots which are causing the abdominal pain and bloating - this is apparently common after my surgery. So just have to wait for them to go and take the tablets.

Another night in Hotel NHS - actually amazing as it was very quiet. Met some lovely ladies on the ward and actually it was not too bad a visit.

Discharged today with a vat full of medication. Antibiotics, painkillers etc. Tummy still bloated - will be glad when it goes down a bit. So work will have to wait.

Bunnies are not happy as no one has cleaned them out - a rather cross Stanley thumped foot when I arrived home - water bottle was empty - I suspect he is feeling rather neglected by mummy. 

Right I need lie down and meds have arrived xx


  • FormerMember

    Oh blimely DB, what a load of trouble you are!

    I can really sympathise with you (OK not in the "rather personal investigations" bits) as I had an infection after my op, and ended up in hospital for 11 nights instead of expected 5/6. Got sent home then had an internal abcess and, well, I won't go into it here but it was not nice.

    So, all in all I'm really peed off at your dreadful bad luck, sorry you've had the complications and I hope the meds do their job double quick.

    Big hugs (I guess very big if your tummy is bloated, hee, hee) and get well soon!!!!!!!

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oooo hope it all clears up quickly.


    And how dare you leave Stanley without water?  Poor bunnikins!


    Much love,

    Chrissie x

  • FormerMember

    Oh poor Stanley!! :o)

    Hope you are on the mend now, but of course you have had the good news of it not being cancer so here's to a quick recovery from the op and off to hop around with the bunnies again...

    Big hug, but not too squeezy

    Little My x

    Oh, Rolos.. since you asked. It all started with a blog. Having anal cancer means my consultant sticks his finger up where the sun don't shine to feel the tumour. He is rather handsome so has been nicknamed GC for Gorgeous Consultant. I said it might be funny to stick something random up there for him to find and Sunny suggested a Rolo... so I could say I saved the last one for you as a chat up line...

    So, ever since there have been comments about stuffing rolos up there for my check ups.

    Gross and very silly but hey, what did you expect from me?


  • FormerMember

    Poor DB, what a rotten time you've had. Poor bunnies, too!


    Hilary xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi DB

    That seems strange writing DB, thats hubbys initials and has been called DB since his teens.....anyway back to poor thing, what a mare of a time you  have had x

    I have had the belly pumped up with air so they can have a root about with ease.....and it takes a few days for it to go my case I still look pregnant after all these years lol, more to do with food than having a good f*rt now though.

    Rest and hope your feeling much better soon and Im sure the bunnies are pleased your back home too.
