The op is over

  • Bunny is Ok


    Well after being discharged - found the results of my histology on the papers - no malignancy - such a relief.

    Pain is subsiding with the antibiotics and paracetamol.

    For those worried about my house buns - Stanley is now perfectly happy. Hubby assures me that Stan had water when he checked. Stan has been following me round in the hope of raisins and he has been rewarded with a few - so he is happy - raisins in and…

  • Hotel NHS revisited


    Hello fellow Macademia Nuts. What a weekend! having had op on Monday and being sent home on Tuesday with - 'everything is fine you will be a new woman' after this etc. etc. I had a few days of getting over the op - but on Thursday - silly me slipped and fell in shower resulting in lovely purple colourings on side and arm and a little jolt to tummy - which is rather tender to say the least.

    Seems to be Ok - I…

  • Back home now


    So I arrive at hospital for 7 am. No food from midnight - well ten o'clock and no water from 6 am. All seems to go well. I am admitted and I meet the anaesthetist and surgeon/consultant who tells me what they are going to do - bit of a surprise as they still didn't know what they were dealing with and would decide once they were in!

    Anyway at 9 am I get visit from surgeon - sorry but the equipment in the operating…