Back home now

1 minute read time.

So I arrive at hospital for 7 am. No food from midnight - well ten o'clock and no water from 6 am. All seems to go well. I am admitted and I meet the anaesthetist and surgeon/consultant who tells me what they are going to do - bit of a surprise as they still didn't know what they were dealing with and would decide once they were in!

Anyway at 9 am I get visit from surgeon - sorry but the equipment in the operating theatre isn't working and I am being moved to a different list. That will take up to 4-5 hours as equipment has to be sterilised.

So I wait - getting v hungry now.

Blood test has left a lovely bruise - don't move oops too late I did.

2 o'clock still not called but meet new surgeon and anaesthetist. Now we get a message - sorry hospital is on alert as there has been an incident. All ops cancelled - but not mine or another lady - I suppose don't need gynae surgeons. Still have to wait til 3.30.

I particularly liked my anaesthetist - he gave me lots of nice drugs that killed pain and stopped me being sick - unlike last time. 

But procedure is completed - no fibroid but a polyp. Womb lining removed and it does not look suspicious but will have to wait for results. No follow up appt necessary. Consultant happy that it will be clear as earlier biopsy was.

Now I am home - did not sleep last night. Had the patient from hell opposite who spent the night calling for nurse and being rude to them. Very sore - feel like I have been ten rounds with Mike tyson but am happy. Sleep now xx
