Today we begin

2 minute read time.

So finely after a couple of false starts here we are at Southampton general about to begin what we hope will be the end of petes fight. Diagnosed with what is known in layman's terms as testicular cancer in his chest (none in his testicles) in may 2013 Pete underwent 4 lots of bep chemo. Each cycle lasted 2 days, with chemo being administered on days 1-5 & 13. This took us from July through to October & in November tumour was removed. This we had hoped was the end of petes journey. Unfortunately 23rd December I received the dreaded call to say petes markers were going up again & the oncologist needed to bring petes next appointment forward.  Now you may think I'm being calus or trying to play god but a made a very conscious choice to inform Pete of my telephone conversation until after Christmas.  Some people have said I had no business doing so or that it wasn't my place to make that decision but who else can decide if he can have a relaxed chilled out enjoyable Christmas or a stressed out one with the fear of what is to come hanging over him? God knows the cancer had taken over & ruined his whole summer. I at least thought he deserved a few days at Christmas.  I did of course tell him on Dec 27th & as much as he was annoyed I'd carried the knowledge alone of Christmas he understood & was great full for the short lived respite & the wonderful Christmas we had. Early January his oncologist decided to put Pete on tip chemotherapy,  even though scans etc... couldn't see cancer anywhere. 5 days later Pete came out of hospital with the knowledge that it was now in his lungs & liver. Chemo continued.  This time for 5 days with a 16 day break in between but after 2nd cycle we were told stem cell transplant was a high possibility. So before his 3rd cycle was due it was decided set was the only way 2 go & he was referred to Prof Johnson... although I doubt we'll ever meet him. We met with Dr Davies 3 weeks ago who dropped the bomb she'll that Pete would be having not 1 but 3 stem cell transplants,  1 directly after the other, assuming each 1 works according to plan. So having been harvested,  missing his admission date last Tues due to gastroenteritis & missing this Tues admission due to lack of a bed here we are. A phone call at 5 pm last night saying bed is ready he was to be admitted right away. As we live 50 miles from hospital & we were out making the most of the last of his freedom for a while, I explained right away would be about 3hrs. We arrived to be told Pete would be put a intravenous fluids at 1am to hydrate him ready for today's chemo & all the other necessary tests, bloods etc.. wee done. We do have an advantage to most as his bed is on teenage & young adult ward right now. So this means I can stay with him in his room. Not sure how long he will be here though as it's not climate controlled,  So the time will come when I have to leave him. Making the most of being here for him now though & I know it's made his night more comfortable & he has slept, even if I haven't.  

  • FormerMember

    So at 10pm when petes chemo ended last night, he decided he wanted to go for a little walk. WE to a stroll down to Costa Coffee & had the worst coffee ever but it didn't matter, Pete was feeling up to the walk so that was the important thing. It was almost 1am when he decided he was ready for bed after sitting talking in the lounge with another patient. I'm fit to drop due his outta sync patterns, waiting on him hand & foot with no-where to rest properly & a lack of sleep as even at 5 ft 2 the sofa ain't really long enough for. Dunno how taller people manage. Even so it's worth it to be here with him & it's obviously helping as he doing beta so far with conditioning than he does on normal chemo when I have to leave him  alone each night. Last day of conditioning chemo today so I guess  the sct journey truly begins tomorrow. Will concentrate on today for now, as it's the most important & most valuable 1 we have. 

  • FormerMember

    Well another day of sleep for Pete but at least he has no more chemo after today until his next transplant t. 2 days grace over the week end. No treatment that it. He will have his stem cells back on Monday.  Dr said his count was down to 26 so that's the lowest by far it's been since he was diagnosed6