Rambling on.

1 minute read time.

Had a good day today , i thought it may be my last for a while but i like to keep an open mind.

I was in Asda this morning (sun) i couldnt help but think , will i be here next sunday?

Next weekend ill be pump free and one week of RT under my belt.

The card i got from the hospital detailing when they should be contacted, gave me some concern

-temp above 38c for one hour

-having shivers;an infection;being sick and not keeping fluids down,

-sore mouth which is painful

-severe diarrhea

-spontaneous bleeding or bruising 

I thought blimey what if i get the lot or 2 or 3.?

I appreciate being informed but in reality whats the chances of any of them and how did you cope if you did get them

All the side effects sound like a horror story , and if the Army want to get a confession out of the enemy , give them a dose of chemo i say.

But joking aside , shall i be able to get out? will i feel any effects on day 2 or even day 4 .Chemo is only for 4 days in week 1 ,with one injection  of mytomycin .Chemo continues week 5 which is my final week.

Ive even bought an extra freezer this weekend and spent a load at Asda stocking it up.

Anyway this time tomorrow , pump will be attached and RT over .

Incidentally can tumours shrink on their own? In the anal department , ive never felt better and had i felt like this , last Spring i doubt  very much i would have seen a doctor, no reason to.

Ill ask tomorrow.

Take care

  • FormerMember

    Hello Dalesguy.  Yes the leaflet they give out at the hospital can be scary reading but try not to worry too much.  I only had one side effect which was a bad stomach upset after my first chemo.  This was put down to stress.  Soon fixed with some imodium. 

    Apart from trips to the hospital I didn't going out during my treatment as I was very tired.  This was mainly because I had a long trip to the hospital using hospital transport which often meant delays.  I was also wary of my immune system.  It was already weakened by an operation to remove lymph nodes, so I decided to protect myself by avoiding shops.  I got into internet shopping and have become quite a fan of it.  If I was you I'd have a lazy day next Sunday and let Asda deliver! 

    I know it's not easy but try to relax.  Don't think of your treatment as an ordeal, think of it in a positive way.  It is a good thing as it is going to make you better.  Chat to people in the waiting room at the hospital and make new  friends. Take the opportunity to rest when you are at home.  Enjoy having the time to read, watch TV or listen to some music.  xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    Do what Margaret says!  and try to relax a bit and not worry about might or might not happen. Live in the now for today and tomorrow will be what it will be and you will deal with it. Everyone you talk to has been through this and are ok We are not superheroes and some of us are wimps so if we can do it, so can you.

    Your stage is pretty much guaranteed a cure and we have all done this treatment and are back out the other side and so will you be soon enough. So, head down and off you go. You will get sore and not want to sit down for the last couple of weeks but I still managed to walk down the lane to the car and to go round the supermarket and go out for coffee with friends all the way through treatment. You can get help with side effects which is why they say ask.

    I got a sore mouth for a few days and they say tell them so they can give you something to help it. It did and it went away. I went off my food so ate cereal and things. The temperatures etc are so they can do something about it as during chemo your blood is less able to fight infection so they need to help you. It rarely happens. The soreness from the radiation you tell them about if and when you get it and they give you pain killers and creams and whatever is needed.

    I drove to the supermarket through out my treatment. I could only walk rather slowly round the last couple of weeks but I managed. You can ask friends and family to help if you need it and you can do online supermarket shopping so you will be ok.

    Just go with the flow and assume you are going to be out of action for a while and don't worry about it. I live in the middle of nowhere and not within walking distance of a shop and 40 miles from the hospital. I did it. You will do it too.

    Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but you get nowhere.

    Big hug and remember this is kicking that cancer up the arse and that is a good thing.

    LM x