DDay zero

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Day zero has arrived, the nerves are really getting to me now,

Have given the neighbours hospital telephone numbers just in case 

My final weekend as i know myself /Will i recognise myself at the end of 5 weeks, i dont know.

I just hope i come out of it as ive gone in to it but cancer free.Am i expecting too much i dont know

Perhaps those that have been through it all can tell me.

Its very hard for me to grasp that i am in this situation .i feel its another person thats going through this and its an out of body experience, if that makes sense.

The impact that this treatment could have just hasnt dawned on me.Ive read the side effects  but there just words and there implications hasnt sunk in.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Dalesguy.  Yes I was nervous too before my treatment started.  Felt like the first day at school all over again.  As you will hear many times on your journey we are all different  - I don't know about your sort of cancer, so I couldn't say if it will change you physically.  I certainly came out of it a different person emotionally but I think it's been in a positive way.  I've heard others say it didn't change them. 

    I know what you mean about feeling it's happening to someone else, I sometimes think I'm in the middle of a bad dream and I'm going to wake up soon.  It's important you are aware of possible side effects but try not to worry about them too much.  You may get some but it's best to just deal with them if and when you get them. 

    Good luck with your treatment, I'll be thinking of you. xx

    PS I managed to put this reply onto one of your older posts by mistake.  Must be having one of those blonde moments! 

  • FormerMember

    Today is the worst I think as it is all so unknown. Tomorrow it will happen and there you will be and then the next day and the next and you just get into the routine and its ok and all that worry and wondering go away. So, distract yourself tonight with nice things and have a nice meal as the chemo might put you off some foods.

    You are not expecting too much. You will still be you but you might even be a better you. Not a lot happens to start with. No big revelations or changes but over time you start to realise that things have changed a bit and maybe you see things a little differently and do what is important a bit more or something.

    The thinking before is the hardest. someone said to me live like a dog - in the now.

    Good advice. Enjoy your evening and all will be a big sigh of relief tomorrow when you get going. next week it will be routine and then before you know it, 6 weeks later there you are blinking in the sunlight.

    LM x