One week in...

3 minute read time.

So after an extended process, my Macmillan journey finally began in July!

8th July 2013
It started with the Volunteer Awards at Castle Hill Hospital's Queen's Centre for Oncology and  in Cottingham, Yorkshire. I met the team of people I would be working closely with, including the other intern EA*. The day consisted of 2 sessions following the same format; a short speech and then a presentation by the different fundraising managers, presenting awards to volunteers who have given endless hours of their time and committment to Macmillan in various way. In the morning session, we were lucky enough to have a lovely lady called V* with us.

V has done a lot of fundraising for Macmillan and has her own cancer story. To keep it short, she was the most inspirational lady I have ever met. She spoke so confidently and well and proved that no matter what life throws at us, you keep going and keep strong, and my word she was so strong. She described her story and explained how Macmillan has been a huge part of her, and her family's life, and told us more about she fundraises for them to help people in need.

After some more tea, cake and chatting, we were able to have a look around the Oncology Centre to see the different areas of it and how this modern 5 year old building was designed. It was quite something to see all the different facilities- the way in which the building was designed was so cleverly thought through; whichever room you were in, you could always see outside into the still and unspoilt wild flower fields. The building was really spacious and the little touches like bright natural pictures on the walls, a quiet seated area for people to go to, a 'common room' for Teenage Cancer patients; every little aspect of it was carefully selected, and although it was a hospital, and I cannot think of anyone who likes them- it had a nice and calming atmosphere to it.

So I came away from my first day feeling emotional, a little sad, but mainly excited and a head full of creative ideas! Being thrown right in the deep end on my first day made me appreciate the little things in life, and made me so determined to help make a positive change to people going through Cancer.

The next few weeks I was back home in Suffolk, working remotely, preparing my aims and objectives and updating social media. I moved back up to Hull towards the end of July, and that was when the real work started.....

29th July 2013
Back in the North East and the real work begins! I had a meeting with the other intern E and our Fundraising Manager C*. We went through our tasks to make sure we understood them and how we go about achieving and prioritised them. I was given some exciting props (see picture below) to help promote The World's Biggest Coffee Morning- large inflatable coffee mugs, banners, buntings, cake stands, t-shirts and a giant cardboard cut of of a coffee and a cake.

After the meeting E and I continued working together to start booking in some photoshoots with these props at local places of interest, and continued doing this on Tuesday morning. We have some great places booked in for next week so be sure to watch this space for them all! The other half of Tuesday and Wednesday I spent on my own organising my Launch Event to attract more people to host a World's Biggest Coffee Morning as well as other admin jobs.

That is my time with Macmillan so far- I have a few very busy weeks coming up so keep posted to see what else is going on!

Be sure to check out NE Macmillan on the following:



Sophie x

*denotes security of identities.
