A quiet week...

Less than one minute read time.

This entry is going to be short and sweet, and although I say quiet, it never really is! This week has been full of admin work and lots of phone calls. Monday was spent in the York office writing up press releases for local papers and picking out the best photos from last week to attach! A meeting in the afternoon was filled with lots of cups of tea and giggles, (and some work) before the day ended.

The rest of the week has consisted of more phone calls and ways to encourage more followers on social media, (yes you- please find us on facebook and twitter!) and more preparation for the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning which is looming up to us!

On that note, I am now going to go and make myself a cuppa! Next week is a busy week filled up with lots of training and a naked rugby photo shoot…. Oh er!

Sophie x


