The General Public

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Went shopping with my wife earlier . Although I am light about 82 kg less than 13 stone I've always looked slim , recently because of my brain op I've been on very high doses of steroids and am very conscious of my moon face it doesn't look like me when I look in the mirror. My leg muscles have gone and I am very slow at walking and find it very hard to get about. The long and short of it is that while in the shop I was called Fat. I was doing my best . Now I feel I don't want to go out agin. Stupid I know but , I felt bad enough about it before I went shopping. I just smiled at the person ,Didn't know what to say bit of a shock really. I suppose I should put it down to experience and the Jeremy Kyle me me me generation
  • FormerMember

    hello, I havent been on this site for ages, couldnt work out the new site for a while, but i have just read your blog and forgive me i have to comment, I lost my nose to the beast, and had radio therapy so i had the big football bald patch at the back of the head as well. I didnt get my prosthetic for some time and in the mean time i had to walk round with a triangular shaped bandage taped to my face with micropore,

    I was very self concious and wouldn't go out without someone with me, i got the stares, the sniggers, the comments. my family came too close to retaliating to some of these things, so i reduced the ammount i would go out, then one day i said sod them, i went shopping in morrissons on my own, anyone staring got a stare back, any comments, and i would be nice and tell them it was cancer ( watch the ground open up ). i had the security guy follow me around until i had been in a few times and then he stopped following me. you have to say sod them, its ignorance and lack of understanding, most people are good its just the odd few, dont let them get to you, ignore them and get on. all the best wishes from ski

  • FormerMember
    Thanks for the advice Ski ,But your story makes mine look a bit pathetic really , it's a very brave thing you did, I know I should ignore them etc ,and I usually do but I think it was probably more to do with the side effects of the steroids I was taking . I was on a very high dose had all the classic side effects paranoia anger really bad thoughts and a hell of a lot of pain in my joints and legs. Luckily I went to see the neurosurgeon yesterday and he reduced them from 8 a day down to half. So I am hoping my mind will be back to normal soon. Before i started taking them I was very out going positive, and nothing ever phased me , it's like a complete personality change. Plus I keep thinking back to that day and wished I'd punched him one right on the nose ,and given the police if they came the list of side effects ha ha. You are right most people are good I have a fantastic group of friends around me .its just the ignorant few. I wish you all the very best and thanks again.