The General Public

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Went shopping with my wife earlier . Although I am light about 82 kg less than 13 stone I've always looked slim , recently because of my brain op I've been on very high doses of steroids and am very conscious of my moon face it doesn't look like me when I look in the mirror. My leg muscles have gone and I am very slow at walking and find it very hard to get about. The long and short of it is that while in the shop I was called Fat. I was doing my best . Now I feel I don't want to go out agin. Stupid I know but , I felt bad enough about it before I went shopping. I just smiled at the person ,Didn't know what to say bit of a shock really. I suppose I should put it down to experience and the Jeremy Kyle me me me generation
  • FormerMember

    Hi Stuey,

    I hated my face when I was on steroids too, but if anyone stared I just stared back. I didn't hear any adverse comments, but if I had, I think I'd have hit someone because steroids made me very aggressive!

    Don't let one comment get you down. People at large are ignorant, stupid and just plain rude, but you are worth more than all the ignoramuses put together. You've fought the kind of battle they couldn't possibly imagine, and you have as much right, if not more, to be exactly who you are as anyone else has. You're not on this earth to please anyone unless you choose to.

    You know who your real friends are, so don't allow an unthinking stranger to undermine your confidence. You'll never see that person again, so why fret about their stupid opinion?

    Stick with us Stuey, we'll cheer you up - keep going out and s*d 'em!

    Love & hugs,

    Twirly xxx 

  • FormerMember

    Stuey, I agree with twirly, don’t let em get to you. Treat it as a joke for they know no better.

    Reminds me of a fact, I heard some time ago; when a pig ‘services’ a sow (if you get my meaning, without going into too much detail) he does so with a pint. So if a man is called a pig…smile & take it as a complement.

    You could also think of Robin hoods merry men…or merry man; Little John, so called because of his size. If anyone thinks your fat..ok that’s there opinion, as long as you feel ok, don’t worry about it as Twirly says, just put it down to there ignorance or lack of knowledge.

    The other day I was out with a mate & we went into a pub for a bite to eat. A young lady of around 20 sat next to us. She was quite chatty even to us old folk, & she had a ‘birth mark’ which covered most of the side of her face. It certainly didn’t put her off going out or talking to strangers. So don’t be put off, you go where you want, & do what you, when you want.

    It does not matter what condition your in, you have a right to be counted.


  • FormerMember
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I haven't let it get to me too much ha ha. Just a shock really I know how I look I just don't need it pointing out to me in such a way. Anyhow my steroids are reduced now so I am hoping the swelling goes soon I've been on a very high dosage for about 8 weeks so fingers crossed. Thanks again Stuey
  • FormerMember

    Aww Stuey, glad you have got over the shock and  are not letting the ignorant people get to you.  I'm sure the swelling will go down and you'll feel like your old self really soon.  

    I've had the opposite to you, in that I've been very overweight with a fat face for many years.  Having lost 6 and a half stone my face has changed shape and is now quite angular.  With my bald head I am now being mistaken for a man, and it hurts!!  I too was shocked the first time it happened.  I came back from the shops and cried.  Then it happened again!!  I'm hoping as my hair grows and we don't have to wrap up in big coats my feminine side will return.  

    It's just another thing that having cancer brings to your life.  I'm learning quick its not all about the diagnosis and treatment but it affects every part of your life and those around you too.  It's a good job I am stubborn and have lots of bouncebackability!!

    Have a good day x 

  • FormerMember
    Thanks San My face was quite slim I lost weight through the cancer , and I was very happy with the way I was looking , I was lucky I didn't lose my hair but it went curly , it was very comical really. But then came the brain tumours and everything went to pot . The steroids are awful I know I need them but sometimes the cure is worse . I will lose my hair during the radiotherapy and with the fat face big belly and matchstick legs and arms I'm going to look funnier I know but I won't let people get to me I have wonderful friends and family around me for support who keep telling me my cheek bones are coming back slowly but yes I can see it. Although the steroids will be boosted again. I won't let it grind me down The hair loss doesn't bother me hats and caps etc. And I am not heavy still less than 13 stone it's all bloating and will go . But I think I would have felt better about the incident if I could have come back with a reply usually I am very witty and would have done and turned it around but I wasn't feeling too good that day and my brain was a bit slow after the op . Back to normal soon and next time I will be ready. Thanks again Stuey