The best things about Cancer

  • The General Public

    Went shopping with my wife earlier . Although I am light about 82 kg less than 13 stone I've always looked slim , recently because of my brain op I've been on very high doses of steroids and am very conscious of my moon face it doesn't look like me when I look in the mirror. My leg muscles have gone and I am very slow at walking and find it very hard to get about. The long and short of it is that while in the shop I was…
  • The Best things about Cancer pt 2

    Well part 2 has got to be about friends. Friends that you had no idea cared so much about you. From the day I was diagnosed October 2010 . I found out who my friends are. Some of them I thought were just friendly work colleagues. How wrong can a person be . There are four girls from work who are constantly in touch Phone ,Text ,e- mail ,and best of all being taken out for lovely meals ,and whenever I need Hospital…
  • The Best things about Cancer

    Well where do I start . My first ever blog 3 years on from my diagnosis and being told I have 9 to 12 months left to live . I suppose I better mention what the very best thing about cancer has got to be . My Oncologist Dr Chetti. And living in Birmingham. Birmingham has a fantastic Cancer Centre . I've been attending for the past three years now its amazing how everyone remembers who you are , you book into reception…