The Best things about Cancer

1 minute read time.
Well where do I start . My first ever blog 3 years on from my diagnosis and being told I have 9 to 12 months left to live . I suppose I better mention what the very best thing about cancer has got to be . My Oncologist Dr Chetti. And living in Birmingham. Birmingham has a fantastic Cancer Centre . I've been attending for the past three years now its amazing how everyone remembers who you are , you book into reception and the staff remember who you are ,it fills you with a wonderful sense of wellbeing. The waiting times can be a bit long sometimes but sit back relax and get on with it.some people enjoy a good moan I know but don't get uptight you will be seen and you will get the very best treatment available. What can I say about Dr Chetti and his team. Well without him I wouldn't be here . I know every time I see him I will get the very best treatment available to me. I recently started suffering from fits. A&E didn't seem to want to know I saw him the next day on a Tuesday ,about 12 days later I had 2 Brain Tumours removed ,regained the use of my left hand and arm . I had the very best of surgeons and a great team of neurologists working on me . I am now just waiting to recover enough , although I am out of hospital and back home. For my Radiotherapy to begin. Once that small setback in my treatment is over . I know I will be back on my maintenance Chemotherapy every 21 days to keep my lung cancer in check. And I will be back at work living a fairly normal life again. So to Dr Chetti and his team. You are always made to feel important and you never feel lost or ignored.Brain tumours become a small hiccup.and life becomes great again.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Stuey,

    I love your blog it is really inspirational. Keep up the positive energy and good luck with returning to work.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Stuey,

    I love your blog it is really inspirational. Keep up the positive energy and good luck with returning to work.


  • FormerMember
    Thank you Rachel . I can see that you look ahead with a positive attitude towards cancer too. I agree with you a positive attitude does empower you. I have always looked forward to better times ahead . I've had several setbacks but that is all I class them as . I have great people and support around me and I have no intention of letting anyone or myself down. I didn't think anyone would read it ,I've never put anything down before . But life is to be lived and enjoyed what's a bit of pain and discomfort in the great scheme of things. Thank you again Stuey
  • FormerMember

    Hi Stuey,

    Welcome to the best cancer site ever! I enjoyed (if that's the right word in the circs!) reading your blog & I agree with Rachel, it's an inspiration & i hope lots more people will read it.

    I live in Birmingham too, & was treated by Mr. Steyn (surgeon) and Dr. Thompson (oncologist) at Heartlands for my lung cancer. That was almost two years ago. I can vouch for Birmingham being a great city - I'd never willingly go back to south London where I come from. Were you treated at the QE?

    Good luck with your radiotherapy & chemo, and all the best for your return to work.

    Love & hugs,

    Twirly xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stuey,

    Nice blog,. I think getting cancer is the best thing that happened to me. It saved my life in the sense of it reminded me to live it properly! So, I'm with you all the way on this one :)

    Here's to kicking it good and hard....

    Little My x