Feeling insecure upset and angry

1 minute read time.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my left breast in march 23 I had a lumpectomy in may 23 but they found more cancer further round my breast so I had a mastectomy no reconstruction in July 23 I’m due back in 2 weeks as I’ve got an issue with symptoms in my right breast now so I could probably have it in there now but don’t know that yet

My husband has been amazing in caring for me supporting me and loving me unconditionally I couldn’t have got this far without him

my head is a mess I was masking all my feelings and thoughts over being diagnosed with breast cancer then the 2 operations but a few weeks ago it’s like a train has hit me and the emotions feelings anger has all come out 

there are days where I’m in tears don’t know what to do or think I know this must be having an impact on my husband but he doesn’t show it I hide it from my boys they know mum is upset but they stay away and give me space

im so worried about losing my husband over this that I may become to much for him

i also worry constantly that someone will come along better looking and healthier and not a mess that will try and take my husband away from me 

my husband tells me it’s irrational that he loves me unconditionally and will never leave me but that doesn’t seem to rid me of my worries 

I have dreams when I manage to sleep of my immortality over cancer and him being with someone else 

It seems no only did the cancer make me lose my breast it made me lose all self belief and worth 

does anybody else feel like this ? Does it get better as right now I can’t seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel

me and my husband have been married 19 years and I want nothing more that many many more years with him

  • Hello, I'm so sorry to read this. You may already have done this and I sincerely apologise if this is not helpful or too obvious; there are proffesionals who you can talk with and just sharing your worries with someone trained and not too emotionally close to you may help? I am coming to terms with a not promising prognosis and the support of my partner (of 33 years) and lots of family and friends is great but I have also spoken with a Macmillan support worker and I found this really helpful. 

  • I was diagnosed last year in March , had surgery in may and started chemo in July , I’ve found that any health problems I had have multiplied, I have chronic pain , have to watch what I eat , I consider myself very lucky as I found my lump and immediately wanted surgery , even though doc said “oh we won’t learn anything when it’s out your body “ sorry it’s my life , I still have bad days and try to keep positive, my daughter is 31 and without her I would’ve crumbled as for your husband I know it’s easy for me to say but try to keep positive, you’ve got him with you and you’ve asked him , I had one friend who walked away from me because he couldn’t handle what was happening to me , macmillan have a helpline that you can phone for advice take all the help your offered