Day 2

1 minute read time.

Day 2 of my cancer diagnosis, day one was a bit of a blur. I have a cancer. It’s an early one thankfully and hopefully surgery will be all I need. But still, Cancer? I had no symptoms apart from a sudden spotting, at 63 years of age and long past the menopause, it was just “Uh oh, this is not right. Dr Google gave me a possible diagnosis there and then (why do we do this to ourselves?!) but a second opinion wouldn’t hurt. Sadly Dr G was right on this occasion. After my scan I waited patiently, only to get copied in on a letter to my GP saying just “We‘ll discuss the results at our next MDT meeting.  Hmmmm what’s an MDT? “Hey Google?”… Sh*t!. So, here we are after getting my results. It’s all moving fast, booked in for a hysterectomy on the 27th September. Why have I suddenly developed pain where I had none before?  I didn’t have anyone in with me, I made long suffering hubby wait in the car. I’m useless with other peoples emotions, I keep mine completely in check, it’s an Asperger’s thing, but of course I had to tell him, he’s not saying much at the moment, but I can see he’s worrying. Then there’s my sons, they needed to know too, luckily they know me all too well, and all I got was “No more baby brothers and sisters for us then.” Love them. Not really looking forward to telling my boss the news tomorrow that while he is on his holiday, there will be another staff member down…he’s the only one that can do my job…………
