The Elephant in the Womb

  • Day 4

    Much better today. Amazing how a peppermint tea eases a queezy tummy. I think I am just working myself up with all the “What ifs, buts and maybe’s”. A day off tomorrow. Taking my beautiful granddaughter back to Uni. It will be very ...
  • Day 3

    An odd day. I feel unwell, I have pain in my tummy, heartburn, nausea and dizziness. Am I imagining it? MRI booked for 15th, pre-assessment on 20th. Things are moving fast. I’m still not sure how I’m supposed to feel, most times in the da...
  • Day 2

    Day 2 of my cancer diagnosis, day one was a bit of a blur. I have a cancer. It’s an early one thankfully and hopefully surgery will be all I need. But still, Cancer? I had no symptoms apart from a sudden spotting, at 63 years of age and lo...