tgirl's blog

  • Some good news! - T's Day 27 A.S.

    Poor A has not been doing very well at all in hospital, and he has looked worse than I have ever seen him, even immediately post op he looked a hundred times better than he has over the last two days. Good news is though that the scan yesterday was clear. No hidden pus pockets (eughh!) and no aliens waiting to jump out just a good old fashioned raging infection most probably of the urinary kind. He is slowly starting…
  • Home Alone with the worse things - T's Day 25 and a half A.S.

    It's night and I am home alone with the cats, the keyboard and a large (very, very large) glass of wine for company. A is back in hospital. It's been all in all a pretty crapy day. Things were pretty good this morning – A actually slept through nearly the whole night, said his back ache had almost disappeared and he was going to get up and have breakfast as I went to work. I was a happy camper. I called him a couple…
  • Zero Tolerance - T's Day 25 A.S.

    Well as I'm, sure you've caught up with on A's blog, we got the results on Friday afternoon. This was not without trial and tribulation in itself. We parked, as always arrived way too early, and then sat on a bench in the car park in the sunshine til just before the appointment. We were the first appointment after lunch. I sat on the bench and mused about the "what if's" of what they might say and how I might feel and…
  • I can hear the drum roll! - T's Day 21 A.S.

    Things have got better since The Night of No Sleep, and more normal. Bags have not leaked (although I dare say they will again on many occasions) I have stopped exhausting myself by trying to be Queen of the Housework and last night I had a riotous evening with my fellow stitch n bitchers involving several large glasses of wine, some wool and lots of pointy sticks - was fabulous and 'normal'. A and I even managed a proper…
  • The Chain Gang, "ME" Time, Competitions & Bag Troubles - T's Day 18 A.S.

    It's two in the morning and I am AWAKE! Sigh. More on that later. Let's catch up on the holiday weekend first. Truth be told I was feeling a little sorry for myself on Friday. Thursday A and I had an Ecclescake-gate incident that made me really have to bite my lip and not submit to my overwhelming desire to club him into subconsciousness with my sauté pan, so I did plenty of standing in the garden counting to ten and…