So, Hilary this is goodbye....

Less than one minute read time.

Dear All,

I am so sorry to tell you all that Hilary died this morning.

  This is what Judy wrote...

I regret to have to announce that Hilary died in her sleep this morning around 7 am. She died in the knowledge that she was much loved and still thinking more about her friends and family than herself. She was the best friend a girl could have, and I can’t begin to tell you how much I will miss her.

I shall miss her so very much. I shall direct Judy to this blog if any of you want to leave comments for her and Hilary's family.

Safe Journey, my fabulous glorious outrageous Hilary.

The night sky will be brighter and  Vallhalla will be ringing with the joy of a returning Warrior.

And as was her wont to give us all links to music for any occasion, which often had us howling with laughter... here is one just for you my friend....

Play it very very loud.

I shall go and do something wholly inappropriate in your honour.

Little My x 

  • FormerMember

    I am sorry about Friday LM, but take heart my friend, what will be will be.

    May your rest be a peaceful one Hilary, there are so many left here who will turn around and smile when they think of you, and miss you greatly.

    Judy, if you do look on here, Hilary knew just how lucky she was to have a friend in you too, you only need to read her blogs to know that. You have been her rock.

    Much love



  • Hilary could sum things up in a word or a short sentence she had a song to fit all occassions some that made us all laugh and wonder where on earth did she find them.Wise with a quick wit and as sharp as they come.A warm and kind heart with a love of animals and in particular her cats.A person worthy of remembrance who helped me too as I know she did others.I will miss your Avatar of painted toe nails in your sandals in the summer and your slippers in winter.Thank you Hilary xxx Cruton x
  • FormerMember

    Oh God no, not Hilary???  The news has made me so sad.  Whilst I was struggling to cope with Dad's diagnosis last year she made me laugh and supported me.  Her blogs were amazing, she was such a funny, intelligent woman with a wickedly dry sense of humour.  She had a naughty streak and I bet she gave her consultants a run for their money....

    I absolutely loved it that she always used correct grammar and punctuation and was always concerned that we understood the correct usage of semi-colons. 

    I'll miss her wit.  I have never known anyone express themselves in the way that Hilary did.  She will have them in stitches in Heaven.  I only hope that she hunts out my Dad up there.....he would absolutely adore her, as we all did.

    Sleep well funny lady.  Hope you've got your best slippers on xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hilary helped to keep us all laughing especially when we were down and as has been said was well known as the provider of musical entertainment, even though some of it was not appreciated.

    I shall miss seeing her painted toes, and her pearls of wisdom in her posts. Do you think all the angels in heaven will now have painted toes?

    I'm glad her passing was peaceful, and we will have to listen out for the laughter in Valhalla, because I'm sure she will brighten that place and soon have everyone laughing.

    Thankyou Hillary for your help and support,

    Odin xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for sharing this LM, Hilary was a valued, supportive and unique member of our Community. She will be missed. 

    Here at Macmillan there are many of us who subscribed to and looked forward to reading her blog posts, which are eloquent, candid, moving, funny and always beautifully written.  I hope that many here will continue to read her words and be inspired by her story. 

    Our thoughts and love to all of Hilary's friends and family,

    Laura, Priscilla, Laura Su