So, Hilary this is goodbye....

Less than one minute read time.

Dear All,

I am so sorry to tell you all that Hilary died this morning.

  This is what Judy wrote...

I regret to have to announce that Hilary died in her sleep this morning around 7 am. She died in the knowledge that she was much loved and still thinking more about her friends and family than herself. She was the best friend a girl could have, and I can’t begin to tell you how much I will miss her.

I shall miss her so very much. I shall direct Judy to this blog if any of you want to leave comments for her and Hilary's family.

Safe Journey, my fabulous glorious outrageous Hilary.

The night sky will be brighter and  Vallhalla will be ringing with the joy of a returning Warrior.

And as was her wont to give us all links to music for any occasion, which often had us howling with laughter... here is one just for you my friend....

Play it very very loud.

I shall go and do something wholly inappropriate in your honour.

Little My x 

  • FormerMember

    Thank you LM.

  • FormerMember

    oh no !  im so sorry to read this.Hilary had the same rare cancer as my Mum.I followed her witty blogs with a smile.My heartfelt condolences to Judy and her family sincerely hope she did not suffer..Paula xxx

  • FormerMember

    I shall be looking for you in the night sky, Hilary ... you will be the brightest star in the Heavens


  • FormerMember

    Such sad news LM, my heartfelt sympathy to all Hilary's friends and family.

    I'll always remember Hilary for her wit and wisdom and be eternally grateful for her words of encouragement.

    Rest in peace dear Hilary, another bright star shining down from above.

    Jules xo

  • FormerMember

    Hilary. So much loved by so many people, and so many she never met in person. Such an agile mind and such a kind heart.
    She changed my life. I will never forget her. I will always be thankful that our paths crossed, however briefly.
    Thank you, dear Hilary, from the bottom of my heart.
    I love you.