January, February don't you come around....

5 minute read time.

Realised I had not done a blog in ages and ages so thought I had better update things a little bit cos my life is getting busy! So I will try and be brief cos I am attempting to show you my calendar for the next few months....

Ok deep breath.... and January (only 5 days left  so shouldn't take long)

Remember that course I said I would sign up for if I was to live to fight another day....? Well, the next step is that i have to visit and teach at a different school to my own. As you may recall, I teach in a bit of a hippy school with our own curriculum and we use first names and the kids don't wear uniforms and we teach our thing and not the national curriculum. So, tomorrow I am being sent off to a local secondary school. eeeek.

Little My is a scruff bag. Little My does not own shoes that can be polished or dresses or work clothes. I wear jeans to school and wooly jumpers and my inconclusive clog type shoes or big furry boots.

I got an email saying the deputy head will show me round tomorrow morning and discuss my needs. Needs?

Coffee and an escape plan? and perhaps a biscuit to keep me going in the tunnel?

Oh , sorry... those sorts of teachery type needs... hmmm.

As you may have realised, i can't do sensible and tomorrow I have to go to a proper grown up sensible school with kids in uniforms and pretend to be sensible and ask sensible questions and be called Miss and wear sensible proper clothes which is proving quite a challenge..... I don't have any.

My boss was laughing and teasing me yesterday saying Where are your stilettos?

I am scared and I know I am going to snigger and say something inappropriate and it will all be embarrassing. Oh dear. Then again, maybe I can cheer them up? Oh dear. This could be where the course fails.... Oh I might get some tumble weed too cos when we start looking at the calendar for days I can go and teach... the C word is going to come out hahaaaaaaa!

So that's tomorrow. Then back to school for more meetings cos we love having them don't we boys and girls.


I am then going to Cantebury for a weekend training thingy to do with this course ont he 10th Feb. . Two of the annoying people from my ghastly retreat are going too.... Luckily the other 2 are fun. I will hide and get on here if I can.

 The weekend after that I am taking my class to Devon for a week of camping in yurts and doing hearty outdoorsy type things.It is at an eco sort of centre but a very special place where I have some great friends and where my son stayed while I was having my treatment and was loved so much by others on my behalf when i couldn't be there....  We have to take an extra person to look after one of our 'challenged' pupils so I volunteered Max (my son) and school fell for it so he gets paid to spend a week with me and his other 'family'  Get IN!!!!!! I went there this time last year when I had just been diagnosed but didn't know what or how yet. That was wierd. I had to go off for a scan on one of the days. Max and I had lots of conversations then about life and death etc cos at the beginning they thought I may be a gonna very soon. Sod that for a game of soldiers so here I am a year later still fighting like a girl and back down there. Hooorah!

And into March...

When I get back,  I have to go for my pre operation assessment. 2nd.

The week after that is GC day Rolos at the ready and everything crossed he doesn't find anything. 9th (that is also my cancerversary of camera up the bum lady saying oh that's certainly abnormal ,Keep positive.. they can do a lot with radiotherpy these days... and then the nurse saying This is Little My she's just had to some bad news.. Ah I out 2 and 2 together and made cancer.... !)

The week after that is my operation to say bye to baggy and have my bum 'stretched' ouch. 16th

i week in hospital  and into April.. home for

 6 weeks of daily dressing changes with nurses and no lifting etc

Then its my birthday hahaaaaa  (and P promised me kittens for my birthday last year but I didn't get them cos I was in hospital so he promised them for this year.. eeeeeeee! kittens she said in a high pitched squeak!


Assuming it all heals up properly... Then get to lift stuff again and swim again  whoooo hoooo and hope to god that I am not incontinent as GC thinks I will be, cos that will mean another operation to put baggy back again... get to poo again !


Then get married  (brown or whilte wedding dress may depend on the above :D ) Need to set a date but I am guessing May/June.

Then all the big scary scans and tests for the year anniversary and checking scary livers and the time it is most likely to come back.... but also the time when if it hasn't the odds shift in my favour quite a bit. I listen to the odds when they are in my favour... I am currently studiously ignoring them... :D   

Then take my class to Sweden whatever GC says.. for swimming in the sea and fun. Even if it has come back it can all damn well wait a couple of weeks for fun in the sun in Viking land....

and its the summer. :) and fun stuff :)

I can't have cancer, I am too busy..... ! 

I also have persuaded myself that I need a new shiny thing in the form of an iphone that works in Cantebury and Devon and hospital and Sweden so better go shopping eh?

I'll let you know about the day out with the normals tomorrow....

Little My xxx

ps are you impressed? I was wondering if I might use up all the words so tried to be really really succinct. Not bad eh? Bernard St bernard is trawling the blog with brandy anyway... cos you lot are alcies oh how do you spell that? alchies? al... hmmm.....  



  • I had to do it have a look at the link Hilary sent wished I hadn't now that will teach me

    Do you think it is revenge for betting her at WWF if so lose in future 

    By the way your MOH has everything sorted how good is that

    Cruton xxxx

  • FormerMember

    My God Little My your life is busy, how do you manage to do it all. Part of me envies you as the only part of working I enjoyed was going on trainig courses and getting out of the office. Oh and I did enjoy being a union shop steward and having a go at management. Otherwise I don't envy you I just salute your energy and get up and go. As several really good songs say 'Let the Good Times Roll' and i'll be drinking to your wedding.


  • FormerMember

    Have sent links to you for some other ideas re: wedding.

    Also, I had a pagan handfasting (and didn't have registry office first) up a mountain performed by two druid friends. By the way, they would be very happy to do your blessing after the legal bit if you wanted them to as after they did ours everyone loved it and they did a few more :)) Anyway I digress. As there are 4 points on the compass and 4 elements, we had 4 friends do 4 little readings after the druids spoke their blessings etc, and then we did our vows to each other, which we had written ourselves in secret so it was a surprise what we said to each other on the day! I picked giant daisies for my bouquet from near  a hedge near where we lived and tied them with green ribbon. We leaped over a broomstick too! :D

    We had the ceremony and then everyone headed off to a local farm where you could camp and have a big bonfire. Everyone brought food and drink to share, like a DIY buffet (as Lou said), and we lit the fire, some friends brought acoustic guitars, we ate and drank and sang and laughed and then everyone crawled off into their tents ( mine has a huge inflatable double mattress for super comfort haha!). Although a Ceilidh band or something would be great too if funds allowed!

    Then, there are Humanist weddings where celebrants can officially wed you in a forest or something?

    So, there are lots of natural and nice ways to get wed without being a white frocked princess ;)


  • FormerMember

    Hilary, look what you have done! Traumatised half of macland!!

    Stinker, don't worry its just Barbara someone or other singing. Its not mucky just awful. and thanks for sorting the wedding....

    ems I am about to look at all the links you sent me :)  and I think you are now my officlal wedding planner :) which means lots of get together and coffee and cakes etc to plan it and actually that could be a fun thing to do while in hospital I guess....!

    Frannie, the trips are fun and you are right to not be envious of the rest... trouble is I don't quite have the energy to do it all which is a bit tricky hence me crumbling in a heap every so often!

    The rest of you.... I reread what I wrote and you seem to be missing the most important thing up there... never mind operations and check ups and weddings.... didn't you see the word KITTENS????

    Sod weddings and nurses.... eeeeeeeeeeeee kittens!

    Big hugs to you all expecially the traumatised ones who dared to peek into Hilary's abyss... xxxxx

    Counselling and therapy is available, or a brandy from Bernard.

  • FormerMember


    Hello Darling  mwa xxxxxxx (((((((((((LM))))))))))))))))

    MY you have been busy, such hidden talent too........singing, blogger supreme...well we knew you are good but I'm gobsmacked he he.

    1.  3 month check up ...........great news

    2.  Loved reading about your wonderful Christmas tree and snuggles on the sofa with Max, P and the       cats with the doors locked and the lights out. Mmmm it sounds like heaven. 

    3.  So you have dined with Odin, how lovely. Are you still up for meeting with me when you go to                  Canterbury...thats if you have time in your busy scedule.

    4.  And then we are in March, in the hospital close to Ems.....I hope all goes well love and Ems will            be able to give you extra hugs from us x

    5.  Your 2 day retreat (not) had me crying with laughter, but you will be pleased to hear I never wet my         knickers.......Tenas at the ready.

    6.   Teaching at another school.......just be YOU always, we love you as you are, warped an' all x

    7.   Holiday with your kids and Max gets to go too, fantastic

    8.   A May wedding.....Ems ceremony sounds amazing......I have new wellies to wear if its in a field :)

    Sorry Ive not been here for all your news but you are always in my thoughts. Heres to a better year all round for you.

    mumsy ((((((((((((((((LM)))))))))))))))) xxxxxxxxxxxx