Having a bad day? you need a Cancer Card...

2 minute read time.

My 'warped' mates know this already, but there are a few others that I think need this and haven't found warped so here it is for you....(charlie and armchair and hilary  especially)...  enjoy!

Warped mates, will do another silly soon... big hugs to you xxx

Feeling Tired? Fed Up? Listless? Hairless?

Or just can’t be bothered...

You need the Cancer Card!

Little My Cancer Card services for all your cancer card needs....

In our IGC range (I’ve got cancer)


ICFSWC range (I’m caring for someone with cancer)

We have a wide range of cards to suit most occasions....

Please note: All Cancer Cards are  prefixed by either of the above IGC or ICFSWC please state clearly which type you require on the order form.

So for example the BMST card would read... I’ve got cancer, buy me shiny things or

I am caring for someone with cancer, buy me shiny things.

Our featured cards this week are the ones for those days when let’s face it, when you just need a bit of a perk from this cancer lark....

The GOODWILL card- Get Out OF Doing What I Loath Lots

The WISH card- What I Say Happens

The BMST- Buy Me Shiny Things

The HNC- Housework? No Chance

The IHTW- I Have To Win

The IGWIW- I Get What I Want

The INC- I’m Not Cooking

And the multi purpose-  DDTM card- don’t do that to me.


This next card comes in handy packs of 3 and is particularly useful if your car breaks down, or you just need something doing for you...

The FISH card- Free Instant Sympathy Here

Or why not try one of our themed ranges?

The Toilet humour range proving popular this month with those that want a bit of understanding for those hiding under the duvet days...

POO- person out of order

PUBES- Person Under Bl**dy Enormous Stress

SH*T- Sympathy Here Instantly Thank you

Our new Medical themed cards are also proving popular with a certain clientele

GP- Gin Please

GMC- Give Me Cake/Chips/cocktails (delete as appropriate)

NHS- No Housework Stupid!

And2 for those exasperating moments...

The STAYGAS card- Say That Again- You’ll Get A Slap

And Little My’s personal favourite...which is on special offer of buy one get one free this week...the ever popular...


 (I Might Look Well, But Please Don’t Keep telling Me That With Your Head Tilted Cos It Does My Head In!)


All available to buy at littlemycancercards.com

Please note: Credit Terms not available

We are always on the look out for new ranges so any suggestions please forward for inclusion in our autumn brochure coming soon.

Little My


  • FormerMember

    Especially for you and me My:

    TITTIES      (Tumbleweed is tumbling, time I evacuated somewhereelse )

    Cheers for the laugh.

    Steve xx.

  • FormerMember

    Love this thread LM; thes cards should sell like HC!

    I've only used the cancer card once, and that I gave to my Bank Manager (They don't keep them in wardrobes anymore - or does that show my age).

    The card I sent him was:


    You should have seen his face drop as he realised he wasn't onto some nice fat commission.

    This worked very well for me and he reorganised all my accounts to get me an extra £520 a year interest and for a change didn't charge me for it!

    (I don't need long term investments I am seventy four and have just been diagnosed with cancer)

    All these lovely cards need illustrations LM!


  • FormerMember

    I could do with an 'I know I've been in the toilet three hours, I am trying to have a poo, leave me alone' card.

    And perhaps also 'Yes, that was quick, and yes, I am going in there again' for days when the opposite problem applies.



  • FormerMember

    I have used the most basic of all ones... IGC when people phone up and try and sell me insurance...

    'I've got cancer'... you can hear them running ha ha.

    The best was when I wanted to cancel my travel insurance knowing that my quote of £45 was not going to happen now and when she started her can I ask why you are cancelling... have found a better quote, we can beat it blah blah hassle hassle stuff..

    I've got cancer.

    The tumbleweed moment was funny. I actually felt sorry for her and her Oh. Ok. what do I say now moment.

    Hilary. I am also obsessed with poo for some reason.... nowt wrong with poo. Get Tessa to come round and put up a shelf in your bathroom, if she can do non functioning curtains, I reckon she can do a shelf too. Fill it with your favourite books and a kettle and then put a label on the door that says Sitting room. Then who cares? Oh, you could get an old fashioned commode... not so good for visitors mind you...

    I am at work ha ha ha feeling very naughty with my serious face on... found a good corner position where no one can seee what i am doing... i am doing an agenda for a meeting you know...

    Fun meeting! Hope I don't get them confused and put poo and curtains on it by mistake. Still, can use the cancer card I guess....

    Rest of you, glad I made you laugh! Oh dear gotta go...


    ps Colin, at some point I will illustrate them and take a photo and post them or something....

    bye.. colleauges wanting to talk boring stuff with me.. xxxx


  • FormerMember

    Ha ha you remain bonkers Little My but bloody hell you're funny!!!  I'm desparately trying to think of some but I must have left my brains somewhere today.....
