Did you do your Homework?

4 minute read time.

( I know we did our good lucks yesterday, but have to distract myself so here's another one as if you did n't know.... ha ha Not too psycho though so don't worry and you don't have to do the good lucks again... xxx)

Did you all do your homework?

Have you memorised the code?

What's a 2? quick, quick... answer and no cheating! Hmm, not sure about you lot at the back... Oh yes, well done you!

What's a 1? No. that's a 4, dear... 1 is a... are you listening?... I know its tricky and you need the loo... . Oh dear... lets simplify it.

Now, just remember... 1 is good 4 is bad. 2 and 3 somewhere in the middle and no sniggering about number 2's. Oh go on then....

 Did I do too much today? Yes miss. Will I ever learn? Nno miss.

Glad I don't have to teach myself... i would send me straight off to the naughty corner and never come back.

Lovely festival this morning- my class of loonies did me proud with the flowers and all that and the little kids. First lessons ok...

Miss, I like your shoes. Thanks says Little My.

They are like slippers, but they are shoes. That's cool having inconclusive shoes.

And that's why I love teaching. where else would you hear that?

And I said, I like them for that too and you lot would laugh at me if I turned up in my slippers so its good to have shoes that pretend when you need it and I showed him the top and said slipper and the sole and said shoe and we laughed.

I let them play for the last half an hour today cos the sun was shining and tomorrow was tomorrow and memories are what are important and as Dostoyevsky said in one of his books (oooh get you, yeah I know... ) 

 good memories will sustain you. If all you have is one good memory, you will ok.

or something like that, before all you literati start going Oh Little my I think you'll find what he actually said was... and actually it was a character and actually... blah blah don't bother... I don't care... (actually apart from Hilary, I am not sure any of you can actually read properly yet and she's only on winnie the pooh so i think I am safe)

 so anyway I want to give them good memories to give them courage for life.. cos by god you need a bit of courage to get through life eh?

So... got through the day only threatening to kill 2 colleagues... (not bad for me) and come 4pm, the kids leave and say see you tomorrow and I say no its my day off and then my blood runs cold and I I think Oh god, that is it. Tomorrow is Friday and its not a day off.... its D day, or GC day to be precise... and I start to get eye incontinence...  but stop myself in time. phew!

Big good luck hugs from mates and a see you on Monday whether you are dying or not  from fun mate who has to teach my lessons if I don't.... Nice boss wishes me all the best and hope you sleep. Give us a tinkle tomorrow he says.. (snigger) Idiots ignore me... and some won't look at me and go quickly in the opposite direction cos they don't know what to say... but who cares about them? I want to shout something silly at them, but behave myself and come home.

Power suit ironed and dusted off... ? Check.

List of who wants emailing, texting, pm ing, phoning, smoke signals, carrier pigeons etc..?. check. (and actually it will take me all weekend to do that one)

Appendages crossed for me (and Steve for his op)? check. (its hard to type with yuor fniegrs corssde.)

All of you  armed and ready with all your bits crossed?... check.

Warned the authorities about possibilities of dangerous drivers tomorrow- Mac members driving with their arms and eyes crossed? Check.

Number 1 working on the computer? check (how funny would that be if it wasn't ha ha)

Positive thinking? check... hope you noticed that? 1's all the way... No number 4 mentioned at all ha ha Oh damn...

Not forgetting most importantly of all.... Rolos? Check (and btw Molly, they do go there if you didn't find out)

Oh nearly forgot- heard my mum there haunting me- clean pants cos you might get run over? check and with lot driving with your eyes crossed that is quite likely...

Merkin? Check.. Oh! maybe I don't need one now... is one enough to impress? (see 'warped' if you don't know what I am on about)

E nough love coming my way  to drown a Hefty and a Liver forever...? Check

Bring it on! See you tomorrow. Look out for the 1 about lunchtime.

Tonight there is champagne on ice so pull up a chair and lets raise a glass to love and courage and laughter... and that is worth celebrating whatever GC or anyone else ever says....

Love you all and thank you for giving me so much love and courage and laughter and that is why tomorrow will be ok...

Biggest hug to you all

Little My xxx

Right, where's that pillow to scream my heart out  into...? :Well, you didn't expect to get away without a bit of psycho screaming loony collywobbles did you? aaarrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • FormerMember

    I'm sorry Little My, I was brought up only knowing what number 1s and number 2s were. Anything else you want to through into the mix really is up to you, but I'm too old for change so you can keep your 3s and 4s ok. And that is an order! lol.

    So, that said, keep it in mind for tomorrow. There is nothing beyond 1 and 2. Got my fingers, toes, eyes and yes, legs crossed for you. Not sure hubby is happy about that one, but Little My comes before him!

    Loads of love and good wishes coming your way.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for the lucks and hugs - right back at you plus 1.

    (See there's that number again it's fate I tell thee).

    Now I can keep everything crossed for you tomorrow 'cos no matter how hard I try (and I've tried) I can't cross my neck and that's all they need.  So I will.

    One last time:  Arm in the air  "Teacher, is it true Steve is actually a style icon, what with you in slippers 'n' all?"

    Best of British, Swedish and every other nationality for tomorrow.

    Steve xx.

  • FormerMember

    As I can't read then I am just guessing at wot u did rite like.


    Was it something about poo's and wee's?

    I want to know and will be checking on here to see if you need more loo roll or a bidet

    Loves You!


  • FormerMember

    Yes, Sir! Colonel Christine, that's me told.. wees and poos it is...better tell GC that too...

    Steve, yes, it is true. You are a style icon.No other word for it... (well not any mac would let through :o) strut your stuff on the ward xxx

    Hi Ems.. lets hope its bidet eh? but loo rolls are ok too. That would have been an even better code if I had thought of it! Here's to Bidet...

    Love you all

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    how posh bidet and all I have is a wet flannel, xx