The story so far....

2 minute read time.

Friday 15 Feb 2013, I got the call that I most dread: my brother telling me my mum had been taken into hospital and a scan showed a lump on her brain.

Friday 22 Feb 2013, the next dreaded call: scans showed that the lump was a tumour, probably malignant, but not sure what level. Its been caught early and they will operate to remove it, analyse it and then agree the best coruse of treatment: radiotherapy, chemo, scheduled for Wed 27 Feb.

Wednesday 27 Feb 2013: d-day! Waited and watched the phone to be told she had gone into call came. Surgery postponed because not enough beds in HDU. Rescheduled for Monday 4 March 2013.

Friday 1 March 2013: very difficult, but much needed phone call with my mum because though I hadn't realised it, I was burying my head in the sand over the whole thing. Doing lots of positive thinking but not really dealing with the potential negative situation. Cried all day and cancelled my holiday which I now can't even believe I was considering still going on!

Saturday 2 March 2013: lovely visit with mum, took her new pyjamas, chocolate, cheese and talked about what sort of Kindle she wanted to buy, and it must have a pretty cover! Spent the rest of the weekend with my brother.

Sunday 3 March 2013: afternoon visiting was a bit much for mum. Uncle David and Bill H turned up unannounced and with me, Andy, Adam and Rachel there, it was a bit overwhelming. We left her to it.

Monday 4 March 2013: d-day take 2! Met Colin at the hospital at 10.30 for 11.30 surgery time. Lots of waiting around. Mum went down at 2.15pm and we saw her tot the door of theatre. Went looking at motorhomes with Colin to keep us busy and put mum's future holiday plans into action. Back to the hospital at 7.45pm and she's on her way to the Critical Care ward. We get to see her. She looks better than we thought and they left a lot more of her hair than we expected. Her stats were good and she had some lucid moments and knew we were there and who we were but was also having horribla hallucinations about the surgery. She thought they'd got the anasthetic wrong, had a massive epileptic fit and went into cardiac arrest and they broke two ribs jumping on her to restart her heart. Checked with the nurse who confirmed that none of this happened and she was just reacting to the anasthesia. I felt faint so had to leave but v happy to see her awake and giving them hell!!

Tuesday 5 March 2013: message from Colin: she's had a comfortable night,bit of a headache but otherwise ok. Going back to visit at 3pm, then going to try and get home to see Andy before he goes away. First major step done....phew!
