Three days to go

1 minute read time.

I was diagnosed with Breast cancer at the end of June. Since then I have had scans, blood tests and consultations almost every week. The conclusion was that I started hormone therapy 6 weeks ago and on Tuesday I have surgery. What happens after that has not been entirely decided but will probably include radiotherapy and possibly chemo, it depends on what they find on Tuesday. Tuesday is a big day which it is hard to see past at the moment. Surgery will be most of the day as it includes reconstruction and then I get to stay in hospital for about a week while my body starts to recover and adjust.

Until the end of June breast cancer was something that I hadn’t really thought about, none of my friends or family have had it and I had no idea that there are so many variations so that everyone has their own tailor made treatment journey. This is my journey. I have not written a blog before and am finding it really hard, but I thought it may be a way to keep multiple people up to date without repeating myself too many times. It will not be detailed and will probably not talk about emotions as that is not me, but it will, hopefully, let you know how I am doing and what is going on.
