3 weeks on

1 minute read time.

Thank you to those who have prayed, it has been a difficult 3 weeks as if you know me you know I like to be ‘doing’, not sitting.

I was allowed home on day 5 after surgery which was good, but then finding comfortable sitting and sleeping positions was a challenge. I hadn’t realised how flexible and supportive the hospital bed was, and no-one had mentioned the need to sit up to sleep for several weeks after the operation. But we got out the pillows and I continue to improve. I can now walk for about 30 mins and can sit at the dining table, so life is becoming more normal. I have read 4 or 5 books, completed a difficult puzzle and watched a lot of magnificent pageantry as the Queen has been moved from place to place over the last 11 days.

Yesterday was the appointment with the breast cancer surgeon. They had removed all the cancer in the breast however there were cancer cells in the lymph nodes which was not expected, and means that the vague plan for future treatment has changed significantly. I have now been referred to an oncologist for further tests and to work out the appropriate treatment.

So, what happens next? Not really sure, except that chemo has moved up the list of treatments from a ‘maybe’ in the future to almost definitely next. When that will be is still to be defined. At the moment I have been told to continue to focus on the recovery from surgery as that will put me in a better position for what comes next. So more reading, puzzles and maybe catch up with emails and a few friends.
