Sublingual Salivary Gland Cancer- my journey

  • 4 weeks into recovery

    I think it's 4 weeks tomorrow that I finished my 6 week course of RT for salivary gland cancer. This week it feels like things are picking up. Firstly I have started to eat real food. When I say real, I'm not sure it would be to everyone's tastes, but I'm moving beyond ensures, and pureed meals.

    I have some fork mash able meals from Wiltshire farm foods that I've been eating. I've also had soup with bread…

  • Hairy Wrists!

    Whilst my wrist flap scars are healing quite well I have noticed that the skin from my stomach is obviously far hairier that my wrist!!! But at least my wrist wasn't hairy as a friend I made in hospital had the reverse problem and the flap in his mouth is sprouting an awful lot of arm hair. I think I'd much rather the slightly hairy wrist!
  • Check up with the consultant.

    Had my check up with the consultant and it was a weird to be back at the RBH. It brought it home to me there is nothing else to conquer now and it's just me allowing my body to recover.

    Popped in to work before hand which I think threw me menally because everyone tells you you look great even though you are feeling dreadful inside. Then you feel like you ought to be feeling better than you are then you're down on…

  • Fatigue and Wiltshire a Farm Foods

    One thing that has come as quite a surprise is how much worse the fatigue has become over the last 4 or 5 days. I found that even taking a shower yesterday I felt exhausted washing my hair and had to stop for a break. I'm also sleeping for much longer over night so I'm not getting going till quite late morning.

    I have been managing a Wiltshire Farm Foods meal each day but I've found now that the soft option…

  • Old scars- neck, wrist and stomach

    Just thought I'd do an update on the original operation scars as you kind of forget about them during all that comes with RT. I have been applied a gel like cream called dermatix since the scars lost the scabs. This is pretty expensive gel, but came on prescription. There is a website on how it is supposed to work. I think it's been pretty good stuff. I didn't apply it to my neck during RT but have continued on the…